Ultah Pertama Bancakan 2.0 di Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Komunitas startup dan para pengembang web dan aplikasi di Kota Yogyakarta, Bancakan 2.0, telah memasuki usia satu tahun. Sejumlah acara pun digelar untuk memperingatinya.

Bancakan 2.0 merupakan sebuah komunitas untuk mengumpulkan para developer, startup enthusiasts, dan orang-orang yang tertarik dengan dunia teknologi informasi di Yogyakarta. Acara ini rutin diselenggarakan setiap bulan dengan mengundang praktisi-praktisi yang telah berpengalaman di bidang teknologi informasi. Bancakan 2.0 diprakarsai oleh beberapa praktisi teknologi informasi di Yogyakarta pada bulan Februari 2010.

Meetup Bancakan 2.0 telah diadakan 7 kali dengan berbagai topik seputar teknologi informasi, dan Bancakan 2.0 ke-8 akan segera hadir dengan topik "Mobile Application and Game Development". Pada pertemuan yang ke-8 ini Bancakan 2.0 sekaligus akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang pertama. Bekerja sama dengan Nokia, acara spesial ini akan menjadi yang terbesar dari acara-acara Bancakan 2.0 sebelumnya.

Acara kali ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 25-27 Februari 2011 di Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. Ada 3 rangkaian acara dalam Bancakan 2.0 ke-8, yaitu Bancakan 8th Meetup, Workshop Nokia Qt Development, dan Bancakan Qt HackDay 2011.

Bancakan 8th Meetup

Acara meetup akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 25 Februari 2011. Dalam acara ini akan mengundang pembicara yang sudah ahli di bidang mobile application dan game development. Mereka akan mengupas tuntas tentang seluk beluk bisnis di dunia mobile applications dan games. Ada 3 pembicara yang akan mengisi meetup kali ini, yaitu Arief Widhiyasa (CEO Agate Studio), Guntur Sarwohadi (Co-founder SoyBean Soft), dan Andri Yadi (Founder dan CEO DyCode Cominfotech Development)

Workshop Nokia Qt Development

Workhop ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 Februari 2011 atas kerjasama dengan Nokia, materi dan pembicara akan dipegang langsung oleh pihak Nokia. Dalam Workshop ini Nokia akan berbagi ilmu tentang Qt development untuk aplikasi mobile.

Bancakan Qt HackDay 2011

Bancakan Qt HackDay adalah rangkaian acara terakhir yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26-27 Februari 2011. Acara ini masih berhubungan dengan workshop sebelumnya, dalam Bancakan Qt HackDay 2011 para peserta akan membangun mobile application menggunakan Qt. Akan ada hadiah seru dari Nokia bagi para pemenang.

Acara ini terbuka untuk umum, namun terbatas. Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran dapat dibaca di website Bancakan 2.0. http://www.bancakan.org, atau lewat twitter @bancakan.

First Anniversary Bancakan 2.0 in Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Community startup and Web and application developers in the city of Yogyakarta, Bancakan 2.0, has entered the age of one year. Any number of events held to commemorate.

Bancakan 2.0 is a community to gather developers, startup enthusiasts, and people who are interested in the world of information technology in Yogyakarta. This event is regularly held every month by inviting practitioners who are experienced in the field of information technology. 2.0 Bancakan initiated by some practitioners of information technology in Yogyakarta in February 2010.

Meetup Bancakan 2.0 has been held 7 times with various topics around information technology, and Bancakan 2.0 to 8 will be coming soon with the topic "Mobile Application and Game Development". At the 8th meeting of this Bancakan 2.0 at the same time will celebrate its first birthday. Working closely with Nokia, this special event will be the biggest of events Bancakan previous 2.0.

The event this time will be held on December 25 to 27 February 2011 in Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. There are 3 series of events in Bancakan 2.0 of the 8th, the 8th Bancakan Meetup, Nokia Qt Development workshop, and Qt Bancakan HackDay 2011.

8th Bancakan Meetup

Meetup event will be held on February 25, 2011. In the event, will invite speakers who are experts in the field of mobile application and game development. They will explore thoroughly the ins and outs of the business in the world of mobile applications and games. There are 3 speakers who will fill Meetup this time, namely Ariel Widhiyasa (CEO Agate Studio), Guntur Sarwohadi (Co-founder of Soft soybean), and Andri Yadi (Founder and CEO DyCode Cominfotech Development)

Nokia Qt Development Workshop

Workhop will be held on February 26, 2011 in cooperation with Nokia, materials and speakers will be held directly by Nokia. In this workshop Nokia will share my knowledge about the Qt application development for mobile.

Qt Bancakan HackDay 2011

Bancakan HackDay Qt is the last series of events to be held on 26-27 February 2011. This event is still in touch with previous workshops, in Bancakan Qt HackDay 2011 the participants will build a mobile application using Qt. There will be exciting prizes from Nokia for the winners.

This event is open to the public, but limited. For information and registration can be read on the website Bancakan 2.0. http://www.bancakan.org, or via twitter @ bancakan.YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Community startup and Web and application developers in the city of Yogyakarta, Bancakan 2.0, has entered the age of one year. Any number of events held to commemorate.

Bancakan 2.0 is a community to gather developers, startup enthusiasts, and people who are interested in the world of information technology in Yogyakarta. This event is regularly held every month by inviting practitioners who are experienced in the field of information technology. 2.0 Bancakan initiated by some practitioners of information technology in Yogyakarta in February 2010.

Meetup Bancakan 2.0 has been held 7 times with various topics around information technology, and Bancakan 2.0 to 8 will be coming soon with the topic "Mobile Application and Game Development". At the 8th meeting of this Bancakan 2.0 at the same time will celebrate its first birthday. Working closely with Nokia, this special event will be the biggest of events Bancakan previous 2.0.

The event this time will be held on December 25 to 27 February 2011 in Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. There are 3 series of events in Bancakan 2.0 of the 8th, the 8th Bancakan Meetup, Nokia Qt Development workshop, and Qt Bancakan HackDay 2011.

8th Bancakan Meetup

Meetup event will be held on February 25, 2011. In the event, will invite speakers who are experts in the field of mobile application and game development. They will explore thoroughly the ins and outs of the business in the world of mobile applications and games. There are 3 speakers who will fill Meetup this time, namely Ariel Widhiyasa (CEO Agate Studio), Guntur Sarwohadi (Co-founder of Soft soybean), and Andri Yadi (Founder and CEO DyCode Cominfotech Development)

Nokia Qt Development Workshop

Workhop will be held on February 26, 2011 in cooperation with Nokia, materials and speakers will be held directly by Nokia. In this workshop Nokia will share my knowledge about the Qt application development for mobile.

Qt Bancakan HackDay 2011

Bancakan HackDay Qt is the last series of events to be held on 26-27 February 2011. This event is still in touch with previous workshops, in Bancakan Qt HackDay 2011 the participants will build a mobile application using Qt. There will be exciting prizes from Nokia for the winners.

This event is open to the public, but limited. For information and registration can be read on the website Bancakan 2.0. http://www.bancakan.org, or via twitter @ bancakan.


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