KIK Tetap Berlaku, 'Gertak' Gertak UGM

Harian Jogja | Sleman: Gerakan Tolak Komersialisasi Kampus UGM (Gertak) hari ini, (1/3), menggelar unjuk rasa menolak pemberlakuan Kartu Identitas Kendaraan (KIK) oleh UGM. Para mahasiswa ini menganggap hal tersebut adalah wujud kian komersilnya UGM.

Mereka berunjuk rasa di bundaran UGM setelah sebelumnya sempat menggelar diskusi publik di Kampus Fisipol UGM. Koordinator aksi, Arya Budi mengatakan, pemberlakuan KIK membuat UGM kian eksklusif. Pihaknya dengan tegas menuntut UGM mencabut SK pemberlakuan KIK yang resmi diterapkan sejal awal Februari itu.

Melalui SK tersebut sedianya setiap kendaraan roda dua yang masuk UGM diwajibkan membayar Rp1.000, sementara mobil Rp2.000. Pengunjuk rasa bahkan sempat berpawai motor masuk ke UGM melewati portal namun menolak membayar. "Kami siap mengajak mahasiswa memarkir kendaraan di luar kampus jika KIK tidak dicabut," ujar Arya. Ia mengaku pihaknya akan terus menggelar aksi jika tuntutan tidak digubris pihak UGM.

Terpisah, Direktur Pengelolaan Aset UGM, Singgih H Wibowo menegaskan, KIK diberlakukan guna mengurangi kemacetan dan membuat kampus semakin aman. "Kalau mahasiswa mau parkir di luar ya silakan, asal tidak mengganggu lalu lintas," ujarnya.(Harian Jogja/Shinta Maharani)

KIK Remain In Force, 'GERTAK' Snarled UGM

SLEMAN: Reject Movement Commercialization UGM Campus (snapping) today, (third), held a rally refused entry Vehicle Identity Card (CIC) by the UGM. These students think it is more commercial form of UGM.

They rallied in UGM roundabout after previously had held a public discussion on campus Fisipol UGM. Action coordinator, Arya Budi said, enforcement of KIK making UGM more exclusive. He said he firmly demanded UGM revoke the decree enforcement official KIK sejal applied early February.

Through the decree had been due every two-wheeled vehicles that enter UGM required to pay 1,000, while car Rp2.000. Protesters marched even had the motor go to UGM through the portal but refused to pay. "We are ready to take students off-campus parking the vehicle if the CIC is not repealed," said Arya. He admitted it would continue to hold the action if demands are not ignored the UGM.

Separately, the Director of Asset Management UGM, Singgih H Wibowo asserted, KIK enacted in order to reduce congestion and make the campus more secure. "If students want to park outside yes please, as long as does not interfere with traffic," he said. (Daily Jogja / Shinta Maharani)


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