Pakar UGM Nilai RI Tetap Perlu Bangun PLTN Untuk Cukupi Listrik

Yogyakarta - Meskipun krisis PLTN Fukushima Jepang menjadi contoh bahayanya energi nuklir, Indonesia tetap dinilai perlu membangun PLTN. PLTN dinilai dapat memenuhi kebutuhan listrik Indonesia di masa depan.

"Kebutuhan energi di Indonesia saat ini cukup kritis. Pembangunan PLTN di Indonesia diharapkan bisa mengatasi kemungkinan adanya krisis energi," kata Ketua jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Dr Sihana kepada wartawan di Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Selasa (22/3/2011).

Menurut dia uranium sebagai bahan bakar energi nuklir belum dieksplorasi secara maksimal. Uranium diperkirakan akan habis pada masa 30 tahun mendatang. Oleh karena itu teknologi nuklir akan beralih ke teknologi nuklir lain yang lebih canggih.

"Untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tersebut. Kita tinggal memilih untuk memulai sekarang atau nanti," kata Sihana.

Dia mengatakan pendirian PLTN di Indonesia memerlukan beberapa syarat yang matang. Belajar dari pengalaman reaktor nuklir di Jepang, Indonesia harus memikirkan berbagai antisipasi desain sistem keselamatan yang belum terpikirkan di negara lain.

Menurut dia, Jepang memang telah memprediksi skala gempa yang mungkin terjadi di sana. Namun tidak mengenai antisipasi tsunami. "Kita perlu memikirkan hal-hal macam itu baik terkait tata ruang, sistem pendingin dan lain-lain yang lebih baik," katanya.

Hal senada juga diungkapkan peneliti nuklir UGM, Dr Andang Widiharto bahwa kapasitas listrik yang tersedia di Indonesia saat ini sebesar 30 ribu Mega Watt. Jumlah tersebut baru bisa memenuhi kebutuhan 60 persen wilayah di Indonesia.

Pada tahun 2025 diperkirakan kebutuhan listrik mencapai 100 ribu MW. Kekurangan pasokan listrik mencapai 70 ribu MW. Bila menggunakan geothermal, mikrohidro power, atau tenanga surya dan bio massa, pasokan tetap masih kurang. Kemungkinan yang bisa memenuhi adalah energi nuklir.

Menurut dia, dari energi geothermal, pasokan listrik yang dihasilkan adalah sekitar 27 ribu MW. Sedangkan potensi sebesar itu tidak mungkin bisa dikembangkan seluruhnya atau hanya dapat terealisasi sekitar 9 ribu MW. Untuk Mikrohidro power, potensi yang dimiliki adalah 75 mega watt dan realisasinya
hanya 10 ribu mega watt.

"Total dari gabungan kedua energi itu praktis hanya menghasilkan 19 ribu mega watt atau masih ada kekurangan pasokan sekitar 50 ribu mega watt," katanya.

Bila menggunakan energi surya, lanjutnya, untuk kapasitas satu giga watt diperlukan area seluas 20 kilometer persegi. Satu panel surya berukuran satu meter persegi hanya menghasilkan 50 watt listrik. Untuk biomass 1.000 mega watt memerlukan sekitar 300 kilometer persegi area.

"PLTN, satu unit akan menghasilkan 1.000 mega watt listrik, hanya memerlukan dua kilometer persegi area. Pasokan nuklir di tingkat dunia sendiri saat ini melebihi stok. Saat ini ada bank uranium. Ini kesempatan yang baik untuk dikembangkan dan mencukupi kebutuhan energi. Namun harus didukung dengan persyaratan yang matang," pungkas Andang. (bgs/fay)

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Expert GM RI Value of Fixed Need To Build Nuclear Power Plant Electricity Inadequate

Yogyakarta - Despite the crisis, Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant to be examples of the dangers of nuclear energy, Indonesia is still considered necessary to build nuclear power plants. NPP is considered to meet the electricity needs of Indonesia in the future.

"The need for energy in Indonesia is quite critical. Development of NPP in Indonesia is expected to overcome a possible energy crisis," said Chairman of the Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Dr Sihana told reporters in Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (22 / 3 / 2011).

He said the uranium as fuel for nuclear energy has not been explored to the fullest. Uranium is expected to run out in the next 30 years. Therefore, nuclear technology, nuclear technology will switch to other, more sophisticated.

"To meet those needs. We just choose to start now or later," said Sihana.

He said the establishment of nuclear power plant in Indonesia requires several conditions to mature. Learning from the experience of nuclear reactors in Japan, Indonesia must consider a variety of anticipatory safety system designs that have not occurred in other countries.

According to him, Japan was already predicting the scale of the earthquake that might occur there. But not about the anticipation of a tsunami. "We need to think about things like that either related to spatial, cooling system and others better," he said.

The same thing also expressed nuclear UGM researchers, Dr Andang Widiharto that electrical capacity is available in Indonesia at this time amounted to 30 thousand Mega Watts. This amount can only meet the needs of 60 percent of areas in Indonesia.

In 2025 electricity demand is estimated to reach 100 thousand MW. Lack of electricity supply to 70 thousand MW. When using geothermal, microhydro power, or solar and bio mass tenanga, supplies and equipment are lacking. The possibility that could meet the energy is nuclear.

According to him, from geothermal energy, electricity generated is about 27 thousand MW. While the potential of that size could not be developed entirely or can only be realized approximately 9 thousand MW. For micro-hydro power, its potential is 75 mega watts and its realization
only 10 thousand mega watts.

"The total amount of energy that combined both practical only produce 19 thousand mega watts or still no shortage of supply of around 50 thousand mega watts," he said.

When using solar energy, he continued, to one giga-watt capacity required an area of ​​20 square kilometers. A solar panel measuring one square meter only produces 50 watts of electricity. For the 1000 mega watt biomass requires about 300 square kilometers area.

"Nuclear power plant, one unit will produce 1000 mega watts of electricity, requires only two square kilometers area. The supply of nuclear in the world own current level exceeds the stock. We have a bank of uranium. This is an excellent opportunity to develop and meet energy needs. However, it must be supported with the requirements of a mature, "said Andang.


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