Parkir Malioboro Sumpek

YOGYAKARTA– Warga Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya mengeluhkan parkir di Malioboro yang kian sumpek. Mereka meminta perluasan kantong parkir segera dilakukan.

Saat ini jumlah kendaraan yang masuk ke Malioboro tidak se-banding dengan lahan parkir yang disediakan. Kemacetan semakin terlihat pada hari libur, seperti yang terjadi kemarin. Devi Setyanti,warga Bantul mengatakan, Malioboro menjadi lokasi favorit dikunjungi wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara.Namun, karena kemacetan yang terjadi,maka ikon Kota Yogyakarta itu menjadi tidak nyaman dikunjungi. “Agar Malioboro tetap nyaman dikunjungi harus dibuatkan lokasi parkir yang luas.

Ini pekerjaan yang harus segera diselesaikan pemerintah,” katanya, kemarin. Saat tanggal merah atau masa liburan semester,Malioboro memang sangat padat. Parkir kendaraan yang dimiliki toko, parkir di sisi kiri jalan dari mulai ujung utara hingga selatan Malioboro, maupun yang sudah disediakan Pemkot Yogyakarta di Taman Khusus Parkir (TKP) Senopati,Abu Bakar Ali tidak mampu menampung seluruh kendaraan. Menurut pedagang asongan Malioboro,Heny Agustina,rencana perluasan parkir Malioboro harus bisa segera direalisasikan.

Warga asli Sragen yang berjualan sovenir ini menilai saat ini wisatawan sulit untuk menyebarang jalan. Ini membuat beberapa menjadi enggan berjalan kaki di kedua sisi jalan. Mereka memilih menikmati satu sisi jalan sebelah timur saja. ”Jadinya juga berimbas pada pendapatan,”keluhnya. Dia menambahkan, kepadatan Malioboro bisa membuat wisatawan menjadi bosan dan enggan lagi berkunjung.

Agar wisatawan tidak bosan, parkir Malioboro perlu dibangun di lokasi yang tidak jauh dari kawasan Malioboro. “Minimal lahan parkir yang ada jaraknya sama seperti di Abu Bakar Ali. Jangan terlalu jauh, yang penting mereka tetap bisa menikmati suasana jalan kaki di Malioboro,”usulnya. Sebenarnya, Pemprov DIY sudah mempunyai rencana menambah lokasi lahan parkir di sekitar Malioboro untuk mengurangi kemacetan di kawasan wisata tersebut. Salah satu lokasi yang direncanakan Pemprov DIY adalah tanah eks Gedung Bioskop Indra.

Namun, sampai saat ini rencana tersebut belum menemui titik temu. Pasalnya,polemik hak kepemilikan tanah seluas 7.000 meter persegi tersebut tidak juga selesai karena ahli waris tetap ngotot sebagai sebagai pemilik sah hak tanah dan bangunan tersebut. Menurut anggota Pusat Studi Transportasi dan Logistik (Pustral) UGM Heru Sutomo, penambahan lokasi parkir di eks Gedung Bioskop Indra perlu didukung, terlepas hal itu masih ada polemik ahli waris dengan Pemprov DIY.

“Sebenarnya, saat ini lokasi parkir sudah banyak seperti sekitar Pasar Bringharjo, Senopati,Abu Bakar Ali.Kalau tidak mau macet, yajangan lewat Malioboro. Banyaknya mobil yang masuk semakin bertambah pendapatan bagi pedagang Malioboro itu pendapat yang salah,” paparnya. Dia mempunyai alternatif lain untuk mengurangi kemacetan di Malioboro yakni dengan menaikkan ongkos parkir.

Tetapi dengan catatan, retribusi parkir itu benar-benar masuk ke kas daerah. “Bagi kami, parkir mahal tidak masalah, toh uangnya juga masuk ke kas daerah. Daripada tarif parkir murah tapi tidak masuk ke kas daerah,malah memelihara preman-preman, kanrepot,”jelasnya. Sebelumnya, jajaran manajemen PT Kereta Api (KA) beraudiensi dengan Gubernur DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X di Kepatihan.

Dalam audiensi tersebut, Pemprov DIY, Pemkot Yogyakarta dan Daerah Operasional (Daop) 6 Yogyakarta sepakat merencanakan pembangunan lahan parkir.Pembangunan lahan parkir ini akan menggunakan tempat di Stasiun Besar Tugu. Lahan pakir ini akan menampung 1.800 kendaraan roda empat. Rencananya, pembangunan ini akan terdiri dua lantai bawah tanah. ridwan anshori

Parking stuffy Malioboro
YOGYAKARTA, Yogyakarta and surrounding residents complained about parking in the increasingly crowded Malioboro. They asked for immediate expansion of parking pockets.

Currently, the number of vehicles that enter the Malioboro not as an appeal to the ample parking provided. Congestion increasingly visible on holidays, as happened yesterday. Setyanti Devi, a resident of Bantul, said Malioboro a favorite location visited by domestic and mancanegara.Because the congestion that occurs, then the icon of Yogyakarta visited it becomes uncomfortable. "In order to remain comfortable Malioboro visit should be made large parking area.

This work needs to be immediately resolved the government, "he said, yesterday. When the red date or period of the semester holidays, Malioboro is very solid. Parking of vehicles owned stores, parking on the left side of the road from north to south end of Malioboro, as well as those already provided by the City Government of Yogyakarta Special Park Parking (TKP) Senopati, Abu Bakr Ali was not able to accommodate all vehicles. According to Malioboro street hawkers, Heny Agustina, Malioboro parking expansion plan should be immediately realized.

Sragen native who sells souvenirs tourists is difficult to assess at this time for crossing the road. This makes some became reluctant to walk on either side of the road. They choose to enjoy a side road just to the east. "It makes also an impact on earnings," he complained. He added, Malioboro density can make the tourists become bored and reluctant to visit again.

For tourists are not bored, parking Malioboro need to be built in a location not far from Malioboro. "At least there is ample parking in the distance is the same as Abu Bakar Ali. Do not be too far away, which is important they can still enjoy the atmosphere of the foot in Malioboro street, "he suggested. Actually, the Provincial Government of DIY already have plans to add parking locations around Malioboro to reduce congestion in the tourist area. One of the planned location of the provincial government of DIY is the land of the former Cinema Indra.

However, until now the plan is yet to see fruition. The reason, polemic ownership of land covering 7000 square meters are not well done because the heirs persisted as a legitimate owner of the land and building rights. According to members of the Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies (Pustral) UGM Heru Sutomo, additional parking at the former location of Indra Cinema needs to be supported, regardless it's still no heir polemic with the Provincial Government of DIY.

"Actually, today was a lot like parking locations around the Market Bringharjo, Senopati, Abu Bakr Ali. If not want to jam, so do not pass Malioboro. The number of cars entering increasing revenue for merchants Malioboro that opinion is wrong, "he explained. He has other alternatives to reduce congestion in Malioboro namely by raising the cost of parking.

But with records, parking levy was really into the local treasury. "For us, parking is expensive does not matter, anyway the money also went into the local treasury. Instead of cheap parking rates but do not go to the regional treasury, instead maintaining thugs, troublesome, "he explained. Previously, the management of PT Kereta Api (KA) audience with the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono (HB) X in Kepatihan.

In these hearings, Provincial Government of DIY, Yogyakarta City Government and Regional Operations (Daop) 6 Yogyakarta agreed parkir. Pembangunan land development plan will use a parking place in Tugu Station Great. This pakir land will accommodate wheeled vehicles. Planning mount 1800 unit, this development will consist of two floors underground.


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