4 Mahasiswa UII Dilaporkan Jadi Korban NII

JOGJA: Setelah Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) mengkonfirmasi ada lima mahasiswanya jadi korban Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), giliran mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang dilaporkan jadi korban gerakan tersebut.

Koordinator Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Kopertis) V, Bambang Supriyadi menyebutkan, ada empat mahasiswa UII jadi korban NII. Namun ia mengaku tak mengatahui pasti data tersebut, karena kabar itu baru mengemuka dalam forum pertemuan koordinator Kopertis, Aptisi dengan 109 pimpinan perguruan tinggi DIY yang digelar di USD hari ini, (28/4).

"Kami mengimbau seluruh PTS untuk memberi perhatian serius terkait hal ini. Bisa melalui Bidang Kemahasiswaan," ujarnya. Pihaknya menyerahkan sepenuhnya kebijakan penanganan tersebut kepada masing-masing universitas. Ia khawatir jika tak diatasi, hal tersebut akan membawa dampak buruk bagi dunia pendidikan khususnya universitas di DIY. Menurut dia, kondisi tersebut bisa menimbulkan keresahan orang tua dan memilih tidak mengirim anaknya kuliah di Jogja.

Jumlah perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) di DIY saat ini tercatat sebanyak 115 PTS. Enam diantaranya tercatat sudah tidak aktif.(Harian Jogja/Shinta Maharani)

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4 Students Reported So Victim NII UII

YOGYAKARTA: After Sanata Dharma (USD) confirmed there were five students became victims of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII), Islamic University students turn Indonesia (UII) which is reported to be victims of the movement.

Coordinator for Private Higher Education Coordinating (Kopertis) V, Bambang Supriyadi mentioned, there are four student victims UII NII. But he admitted that he did not know the definite data, because the news just surfaced in the forum meeting Kopertis coordinator, Aptisi with 109 college leaders that was held at the DIY USD today, (28 / 4).

"We call on all private universities to give serious attention related to this. Can through Student Affairs," he said. He said he handed over entirely to the treatment policy of each university. He worries if not addressed, it will bring negative impact to the world of university education, especially in DIY. According to him, these conditions could lead to unrest parents and choose not to send their children studying in Yogyakarta.

The number of private universities (PTS) in DIY is currently carrying as many as 115 PTS. Six of them listed are inactive.


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