Bara Api Tampak di Puncak Merapi

Asap Solfatara keluar dari Gunung Merapi seperti terlihat dari Dusun Kalitengah Kidul, Desa Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, Minggu (10/4/2011). Menurut data terakhir dari BPPTK sampai Sabtu 9 April 2011 pukul 24:00, selama sehari tersebut telah terjadi 52 kali gempa vulkanik Multi Phase (MP), lima kali guguran dan satu kali gempa vulkanik dalam.

YOGYAKARTA, — Dalam dua hari terakhir, Gunung Merapi menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas. Bahkan, bara api magma Gunung Merapi sempat terpantau kamera pemantau CCTV pada 25 Maret 2011. Ini menunjukkan, proses erupsi Merapi tahun 2010 belum sepenuhnya berhenti.

Pengamat Gunung Merapi Posko Kaliurang, Triyono, mengatakan, sinar bara api di puncak Merapi tertangkap kamera CCTV di Deles, Klaten, Jumat (25/3/11) lalu mulai pukul 19.40 hingga Sabtu (26/3/11) dini hari.

"Melalui monitor di Posko Kaliurang yang tersambung dengan kamera CCTV di Deles, kami bisa menyaksikan adanya bara api di puncak Merapi, yang setelah letusan 2010 tak terlihat, namun tampak kembali," ucapnya, Minggu (10/4/11) di Yogyakarta.

Selang beberapa hari kemudian, aktivitas Merapi meningkat tajam. Pada hari Kamis (7/4/2011) hanya terjadi satu kali gempa vulkanik dalam, satu kali gempa vulkanik dangkal, sembilan kali gempa multifase, 10 kali guguran material, serta satu kali gempa tektonik. Namun, mulai Jumat (8/4/2011) gempa vulkanik dangkal meningkat menjadi 8 kali, gempa multifase melonjak hingga 122 kali, guguran material 5 kali, dan gempa tektonik 2 kali.

Pada Sabtu (9/4/2011) juga masih terlihat ada peningkatan. Antara pukul 00.00 dan 06.00 saja terjadi 8 kali gempa vulkanik dangkal, 22 kali gempa multifase, 4 kali guguran material, dan 1 kali gempa tektonik, kata Triyono.

Kepala Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Subandriyo mengatakan, munculnya bara api di puncak Merapi menunjukkan proses erupsi Merapi 2010 belum sepenuhnya berhenti. Bara api yang muncul terjadi karena pergerakan magma ke atas untuk membentuk kubah lava.

"Fase akhir erupsi biasanya ditandai dengan pertumbuhan kubah lava. Namun, hingga saat ini kami belum akan menurunkan status selama kondisi Merapi masih fluktuatif," ujarnya.

Menurut Subandriyo, selain karena aktivitas Merapi yang belum stabil, lahar dingin Merapi juga masih menjadi ancaman serius bagi masyarakat Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya. Penurunan status Merapi dari waspada menjadi aktif normal dikhawatirkan justru akan menurunkan tingkat kewaspadaan masyarakat.

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The Flames Appears in Top Of  Merapi

Smoke Solfatara out of Mount Merapi as seen from Hamlet Kalitengah Kidul, Desa Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Sunday (04/10/2011). According to recent data from BPPTK until Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 24:00, during a day that has occurred 52 times volcanic earthquake Multi Phase (MP), five miscarriages and one-time volcanic earthquake.

YOGYAKARTA, - In two days, Mount Merapi volcano showed increased activity. In fact, the embers of Mount Merapi magma was monitored CCTV cameras on March 25, 2011. This shows, the process of eruption of Merapi in 2010 has not been fully stopped.

Ground Observer Post Mount Merapi, Triyono, say, light coals on top of Merapi was caught on CCTV cameras pure-bred, Klaten, Friday (25/3/11) and then starting at 19:40 until Saturday (26/3/11) morning.

"Through the monitor at Command Post Ground which is connected with CCTV cameras in the pure-bred, we can see the embers of a fire at the peak of Merapi, which after the 2010 eruption of sight, but looking back," he said on Sunday (10/4/11) in Yogyakarta.

A few days later, Merapi activity increased sharply. On Thursday (04/07/2011) only happens once in a volcanic earthquake, one shallow volcanic earthquake, earthquake multiphase nine times, 10 times the glowing material, as well as one tectonic earthquake. However, starting on Friday (08/04/2011) shallow volcanic earthquakes increased to 8 times, multiphase earthquake jumped to 122 times, 5 times glowing material, and tectonic earthquake 2 times.

On Saturday (09/04/2011) is also still seen no improvement. Between 00:00 and 06:00 just happened 8 times shallow volcanic earthquake, multiphase earthquake 22 times, 4 times a glowing material, and 1 tectonic earthquake, Triyono said.

Head of Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Subandriyo said the emergence of embers on top of Merapi shows the process of eruption of Merapi in 2010 has not completely stopped. Embers that arise due to the movement of magma upwards to form a lava dome.

"The final phase is usually marked by eruption of lava dome growth. However, to date we have not will lose status as long as the condition of Merapi is still volatile," he said.

According Subandriyo, in addition to the activity of Merapi is still unstable, cold lava of Merapi is also still a serious threat to the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings. The decline of the alert status of Merapi to the normal active feared it would lower the level of community vigilance.


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