Hujan Abu Terjadi di Lereng Merapi

MICOM: Hujan abu terjadi di lereng Gunung Merapi di kawasan Tlogolele di perbatasan antara Kabupaten Boyolali dengan Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (29/4).

Petugas Pos Pemantau Gunung Merapi Babadan Ismail mengatakan berdasarkan laporan warga dari radio komunikasi, sekitar pukul 10.40 WIB telah terjadi hujan abu tipis di daerah Tlogolele.

"Hujan abu relatif tipis dan tidak berbahaya sedangkan di kawasan Babadan tidak terjadi hujan abu," katanya.

Ia mengatakan hujan abu tersebut kemungkinan karena hembusan gas dari dalam perut gunung dan abu vulkanik terbawa arah angin.

Menurut dia, hal itu biasa terjadi dan tidak membahayakan. Hingga sekarang, status Gunung Merapi masih "waspada".

Hartono, warga Magelang yang sempat melintas di kawasan Tlogolele mengatakan hujan abu itu tidak terlalu terlihat tetapi abu vulkanik tampak sekali menempel di dedaunan pohon.

Selain hujan abu, beberapa hari terakhir terdengar suara gemuruh dari puncak Merapi dari kawasan Desa Krinjing, Kecamatan Dukun, Kabupaten Magelang.

Kepala Dusun Trono, Desa Krinjing, Sumini Adi mengatakan, dalam beberapa hari terakhir sering terdengar suara gemuruh dari puncak Merapi.

"Pada Kamis (28/4) malam hingga Jumat dini hari sekitar pukul 02.00 beberapa kali saya mendengar suara gemuruh tersebut, tetapi setelah melihat puncak Merapi aman-aman saja tidak ada lava pijar atau lainnya," katanya.

Ismail mengatakan, suara gemuruh tersebut kemungkinan merupakan proses pembentukan kubah dan terjadi hembusan gas. (Ant/OL-9)

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Ash Rain Happened on Merapi Slopes

MICOM: The rain of ash occurred on the slopes of Mount Merapi in the region on the border between the District Tlogolele Boyolali in Magelang regency, Central Java, on Friday (29 / 4).

Mount Merapi Monitoring Officer Post Babadan Ismail said based on reports of the radio communication, at around 10:40 pm there has been rain in the area of ​​thin ash Tlogolele.

"The rain of ash is relatively thin and is not dangerous in the region while the rains ash Babadan not happen," he said.

He said the ash was probably due to gas blowing from the bowels of the mountain and volcanic ash carried by the wind.

According to him, it is common and not harmful. Until now, the status of Mount Merapi was still "cautious".

Hartono, a resident of Magelang who had crossed in the region say rain Tlogolele ash was not too visible but volcanic ash looks very attached to the foliage of trees.

Apart from the rain of ash, the last few days heard a roar from the top of Merapi from the Village area Krinjing, Shaman District, Magelang District.

Head Trono Hamlet, Village Krinjing, Sumini Adi said, in recent days was often heard a roar from the peak of Merapi.

"On Thursday (28 / 4) night until Friday morning at around 2:00 a few times I heard a rumbling sound, but after seeing the peak of Merapi was safe there was no lava or other," he said.

Ismail said, the clamor is likely the process of dome formation and gas blast occurred.


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