Sheila On 7 Siap 'Berlayar' di Album Baru

Album berisi sepuluh tembang ini juga memuat beberapa lagu lama yang belum pernah dirilis.

VIVAnews - Grup band asal Yogyakarta, 'Sheila On 7' kembali meluncurkan album terbarunya. Album bertajuk 'Berlayar' itu diluncurkan di Pisa Cafe Menteng, Kamis malam, 14 April 2011. Di saat yang sama, mereka juga menerima penghargaan Platinum Awards dari label mereka, Sony Music.

Album yang berisi sepuluh tembang ini juga memuat beberapa lagu lama yang belum pernah dirilis. Lagu berjudul 'Hari Bersamanya' sengaja dipilih menjadi single andalan 'Sheila On 7' kali ini.

Meski album ini terkesan lama munculnya, keempat personel 'Sheila On 7' ini menuturkan bahwa semangat yang mereka miliki masih sama seperti di awal karier mereka.

"Sampai hari ini saya yakin kami semangatnya masih sama seperti waktu pertama kali datang ke Jakarta, masih punya banyak mimpi, kami juga ingin membuat konser tunggal dan inginnya (penonton) yang datang dari multi kelas dan negara," kata vokalis 'Sheila On 7', Duta, saat jumpa pers di Pisa Cafe Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis 14 April 2011.

Album 'Berlayar' juga menjadi bentuk eksistensi 'Sheila On 7' di blantika musik Indonesia. Lewat album teranyarnya, grup yang tenar lewat lagu 'Kita' ini berusaha untuk menampilkan warna musik yang lebih komplit.

"Album ini mempertegas bahwa kami makin nge-'blend' dengan drummer sekarang (Brian), karena drummer yang lama (Anton) harus pergi saat album 'Pejantan Tangguh'," ujar Duta.

Selain itu, keempat pria ini mengaku pembagian tugas di album teranyar mereka lebih merata daripada sebelumnya. Hal itu membuat Eross, sang gitaris yang biasa mencipta lagu-lagu 'Sheila On 7' di album terdahulu menjadi lebih punya banyak waktu untuk mengeksplor permainan gitarnya. Lihat foto "Berlayar" Bersama Sheila On 7. (art)

Hal itu dituturkan oleh vokalis 'Sheila On 7'."Bebannya (Eross) sebagai pencipta lagu mungkin agak terkurangi ya. Bukan karena dia tidak produktif lagi tapi saya dan Adam juga ikut menciptakan lagu kali ini, Eross tiga, Adam tiga setengah dan saya dua setengah," ujar pria bernama lengkap Akhdiyat Duta Modjo itu.

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Sheila On 7 Ready 'Sailing' on New Album

VIVAnews - Group band from Yogyakarta, 'Sheila On 7' re-launch his new album. The album titled 'Sailing' was launched at Pisa Cafe Menteng, Thursday evening, 14 April 2011. At the same time, they also received Platinum Awards from their label, Sony Music.

The album contains ten songs it also contains some old songs that have never been released. The song titled 'Day With him' deliberately chosen to be single mainstay 'Zero 7' this time.

Although this album was impressed the old appearance, the four persons 'Zero 7' is said that the spirit that they have still the same as at the beginning of their careers.

"To this day I believe we are still the same spirit as when I first came to Jakarta, still have many dreams, we also want to make a single concert and wanted (the audience) who come from multi-class and state," says vocalist 'Sheila On 7' , Ambassador, during a press conference in Pisa Cafe Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, April 14, 2011.

The album 'Sailing' is also a form of existence 'Zero 7' in blantika Indonesian music. Through the newest album, the group that fame through the song 'We' are trying to display the colors of music that is more comprehensive.

"This album reinforces that we are increasingly nge-'blend 'with a drummer now (Brian), because the old drummer (Anton) should go when the album' Stud Tough '," said the Ambassador.

In addition, the four men admitted to the division of tasks in their latest album is more evenly distributed than ever before. It made Eross, the guitarist who used to create the songs 'Zero 7' in the previous album had a lot more time to explore the guitar. See photo of "Sailing" Together Sheila On 7. (Art)

It was spoken by vocalist 'Sheila On 7'. "Load (Eross) as the creator of the song may be somewhat reduced yes. Not because he's not productive anymore but me and Adam also contributed to the song this time, Eross three, Adam three and a half and my two half, "said the man's full name was Akhdiyat Duta Modjo.


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