Soal Matematika tak Jelas Warnai UN Hari Kedua

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional (UN) hari kedua di Yogyakarta secara keseluruhan berjalan lancar dan tertib. Namun berdasarkan pantauan pengawas, ada beberapa pilihan jawaban pada lembar soal UN yang tidak jelas.

"Hari kedua hanya mata pelajaran Matematika yang diujikan, ada beberapa pilihan jawaban yang tidak jelas sehingga siswa sulit membacanya," terang koordinator pengawas wilayah Kota Yogyakarta, Senawi, Selasa (19/4).

Temuan pilihan jawaban tak jelas di soal mata pelajaran UN Matematika tersebut ada di SMK Negeri I Yogyakarta. Sedikitnya ada dua soal yang ditemukan pilihan jawabanya tidak jelas. "Kita lalu membuat berita acaranya agar ditindaklanjuti di kemudian hari," tambahnya.

Ia menilai kesalahan tersebut tampaknya murni dari pihak percetakan. Karena untuk soal lainnya tercetak cukup jelas dan mudah dibaca sedangkan dua lembar tersebut agak buram dan sulit dibaca. Meski sempat membingungkan namun menurut Senawi, kasus tersebut tidak mempengaruhi jalannya proses UN di Yogyakarta.

Reporter: Yulianingsih

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Obviously not Paint the Mathematical Problem of UN Day Two

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - The implementation of the National Examination (UN), the second day in Yogyakarta as a whole runs smoothly and orderly. However, based on supervisor observation, there are several possible answers on the worksheet about the UN is not clear.

"The second day only tested the subjects Mathematics, there are several options that are not clear answers so that students are difficult to read," explained the coordinator of the regulatory region of Yogyakarta, Senawi, Tuesday (19 / 4).

The findings do not clearly answer choice in the matter of UN Mathematics subjects is in the CMS School I Yogyakarta. There are at least two problems found in the answer choices are not clear. "We then made ​​headlines with her ​​show to be followed in the future," he added.

He considered that the error seems purely from the printing press. Due to other printed matter is quite clear and easy to read while the two pieces are somewhat opaque and difficult to read. Though confusing, but according Senawi, the case did not influence the UN process in Yogyakarta.


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