Warga Belokkan Aliran Lahar Dingin

Liputan6.com, Kulon Progo: Banjir lahar dingin terus mengancam kehidupan warga Desa Banaran, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Ahad (17/4). Para petani terancam gagal panen.

Agar material pasir dan lumpur tidak menggerus lahan pertanian, masyarakat sekitar membelokkan aliran Kali Progo sepanjang 300 meter. Patok kayu setinggi dua meter pun dipasang, agar deretan karung pasir tidak hanyut terseret air.

Menurut Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Kabupaten Kulon Progo, langkah ini diharapkan mampu mengeringkan lahan siap panen. Pascaletusan Merapi, warga Banaran belum dapat beraktivitas normal. Sebagian besar sawah warga dipenuhi material vulkanik. (WIL/ANS)

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Residents steered the Cold Lava Flow

Liputan6.com, Kulon Progo: cold lava floods continue to threaten the lives of village residents Banaran, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region, on Sunday (17 / 4). The farmers threatened with crop failure.

Material for sand and mud is not eroded agricultural land, the people around deflect the flow of the Progo River along the 300 meters. Wooden stakes as high as two meters were installed, for a row of sandbags was not washed away the water trail.

According to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Kulon Progo Regency, this step is expected to drain the land ready for harvest. Pascaletusan Merapi, Banaran citizens can not move normally. Most of the lowland residents filled volcanic material.


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