Warga Lereng Merapi Menolak Direlokasi

Mereka berdemonstrasi ke DPRD Sleman, menolak direlokasi
VIVAnews - Warga lereng Gunung Merapi berunjukrasa di kantor Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta, Kamis 21 April 2011. Mereka menolak relokasi yang sedang dikonsep oleh Pemerintah.

Seratusan warga yang berunjukrasa datang dari dua dusun, yaitu Dusun Kali Tengah Kidul dan Dusun Kali Tengah Lor, Desa Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Barono, Koordinator aksi, warga Dusun Kalitengah Kidul, di lokasi depan Kantor DPRD Sleman menyatakan, "Kami dengan tegas menolak relokasi."

Ia menjelaskan, warga menolak relokasi karena lahan semula yang hangus diterjang erupsi Merapi 2010 lalu adalah satu-satunya sumber penghidupan mereka. "Kalau kami direlokasi, bagaimana kami bisa hidup, karena 80 persen warga di sana adalah petani dan peternak yang tidak berpendidikan (tidak ada kerja lainnya)," katanya dalam aksi Kamis 21 April 2011 itu.

Sedangkan, Kuswanto Ketua DPRD Sleman yang menerima warga dalam audiensi mengatakan, "Hal ini telah kami sampaikan pada Pemkab dan Pemkab mengatakan relokasi belum dilakukan." Sementara itu, DPRD Sleman, kata Kuswanto, akan meminta pihak Pemkab Sleman supaya mendengar aspirasi warga.

"Permintaan warga sudah kuat sekali untuk menolak relokasi dan kami harus sepaham dengan masyarakat," katanya. (eh)

Laporan Erick Tanjung | Yogyakarta

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Residents Merapi Slopes Relocated Refuse

They had a demonstration to the DPRD Sleman, refused to be relocated

VIVAnews - Residents berunjukrasa slopes of Mount Merapi in the office of the Regional Representatives Council Sleman regency, Yogyakarta, Thursday, April 21, 2011. They rejected the relocation of being drafted by the Government.

Berunjukrasa hundred residents who came from two villages, namely Hamlet and the Hamlet of South Central time Central time Lor, Desa Glagaharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Barono, Coordinator of the action, citizens of South Kalitengah Hamlet, in front of the location of the DPRD Sleman Office stated, "We firmly reject the relocation."

He explained that the residents refused to relocate because the land originally sunk 2010 and then hit the Merapi eruption is the only source of their livelihood. "If we are relocated, how we can live, because 80 percent of the people there are farmers and ranchers who are not educated (no other work)," he said in action Thursday, April 21, 2011 it.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the DPRD Sleman Kuswanto who received citizen in the audience said, "These have been presented at the Regency and Regency said the relocation has not been done." Meanwhile, the DPRD Sleman, said Kuswanto, will ask the Sleman regency in order to hear the aspirations of citizens.

"Demand is very strong citizens to resist relocation and we have to disagree with people," he said.


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