Alfamart di Yogyakarta Dirampok, Karyawan Dibacok

YOGYAKARTA--MICOM: Alfamart di Jalan Gedongkuning 60, Kota Yogyakarta, Rabu (22/6), dirampok. Kawanan penjahat yang terdiri dari empat orang itu membawa kabur uang tunai Rp10 juta dan melukai salah seorang karyawan.

Karyawan Alfamart, Febri, 20, mengatakan peristiwa menimpa toko yang buka selama 24 jam itu terjadi sekitar pukul 04.00 WIB. Salah seorang pelaku membawa senjata api, sedangkan seorang lagi membawa pedang.

"Pelaku sempat mengayunkan pedang dan mengenai bahu kanan karyawan yang berjaga, Ferdian," kata Febri.

Setelah melukai Ferdian, para perampok itu menguras uang tunai yang ada di toko tersebut sebesar Rp10 juta. Selain itu, mereka juga membawa kabur 20 slop rokok berbagai merek, susu formula berbagai merek, ponsel milik karyawan, dan 10 botol bir.

Sementara itu, Kasi Humas Polsek Kotagede Aiptu Bambang Sutrisno mengatakan pihaknya sudah melakukan olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP). "Setelah menerima laporan, polisi segera datang ke lokasi dan melakukan olah TKP," katanya.

Sementara itu, karyawan yang mengalami luka bacok dilarikan ke rumah sakit untuk memperoleh perawatan medis. "Kondisinya relatif baik," ujarnya. (AU/OL-01)

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Alfamart in Yogyakarta Robbed, Employees Hacked

YOGYAKARTA - MICOM: Alfamart Road Gedongkuning 60, the city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday (22 / 6), was robbed. Criminals flock consisting of four men made ​​off with cash Rp10 million and injuring one employee.

Employees Alfamart, Febri, 20, said the incident happened stores open for 24 hours took place at around 04.00 pm. One of the actors carrying a firearm, while another man carrying a sword.

"The perpetrator had swung the sword and the right shoulder of the employees who keep watch, Ferdian," said Febri.

After injuring Ferdian, the robbers were draining cash at the store of Rp10 million. In addition, they also made ​​off with 20 carton of cigarettes of various brands, different brands of infant formula, cell phones owned by employees, and 10 bottles of beer.

Meanwhile, Police Public Relations Head Kotagede Aiptu Bambang Sutrisno said it was done though the crime scene (the scene). "After receiving the report, the police soon came to the scene and conduct crime scene," he said.

Meanwhile, employees who are injured jab was rushed to the hospital to obtain medical care. "His condition is relatively good," he said.


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