Asap Solfatara Masih Keluar Dari Puncak Merapi

SLEMAN ( - Dalam satu minggu belakangan ini suara gemuruh beberapa kali terdengar dari puncak Gunung Merapi. Tak hanya itu, asap solfatara yang pekat pun juga terus keluar dari gunung tersebut.

"Kondisinya memang naik-turun dan kadang juga muncul abu tipis. Itu yang menjadi salah satu alasan status tetap waspada level II. Jadi, belum akan diturunkan jadi aktif normal," ungkapnya saat Kepala Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tekhnologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, Subandrio di Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Kamis (16/6).

Selain itu, gempa multiphase (MP) juga tergolong tinggi. Yakni lebih dari 10 kali gempa MP dalam sehari. "Akan tetapi, potensi untuk terjadinya awan panas sudah tidak ada. Ya begitulah Merapi, punya karakteristik," imbuh Subandrio.

Pertumbuhan kubah baru pasca erupsi 2010 juga berbeda dengan fase erupsi 2006 lalu. Yakni, tidak ada pertumbuhan kubah secara kontinyu. "Kubah baru memang muncul, namun tidak terus tumbuh. Hanya muncul kubah terus diam saja. Kalau dulu itu kan kubahnya terus tumbuh kemudian ambrol, nah kali ini tidak," papar Subandrio.

Kendati demikian, saat ini warga tidak perlu panik namun harus tetap waspada. Pasalnya, Subandrio kembali menegaskan, sangat kecil kemungkinan kembali terjadi awan panas dalam waktu dekat.

"Fase erupsi tahun ini sudah selesai. Tunggu saja fase selanjutnya sesuai siklus Merapi. Nah, potensi fase besok itu sisi selatan yang paling rawan terkena luncuran. Kecuali, jika Merapi letusannya eksplosif maka pasti akan menyebar," tandasnya. (Dhi)

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Solfatara Still Smoke Out Of The peak of Merapi

SLEMAN ( - In one week recently heard a roar a few times from the peak of Mount Merapi. Not only that, solfatara thick smoke was also kept out of the mountain.

"His condition is fluctuating and sometimes also appear thin ash. That's one reason to stay alert level II status. So, will not be actively lowered to normal," he said as Head of Research and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta, Subandrio in Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Thursday (16 / 6).

In addition, the earthquake multiphase (MP) is also quite high. That is more than 10 times a day earthquake MP. "However, the potential for the occurrence of hot clouds are gone. Yes that's Merapi, have characteristics," said Subandrio.

The new dome growth after the eruption of 2010 is also different from the phase of eruption in 2006. Namely, there is no continuous dome growth. "The new dome is up, but did not continue to grow. It appears the dome kept silent. If the first that was the dome continues to grow and then collapse, well not this time," said Subandrio.

Nevertheless, the current residents should not panic but should remain vigilant. The reason, Subandrio reaffirmed, it is less likely re-occur hot clouds in the near future.

"Eruption phase has been completed this year. Just wait for the next phase of the cycle according to Merapi. Well, tomorrow is the potential phase of the south side of the most vulnerable to glide. Unless the explosive eruptions of Merapi is bound to spread," he said.


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