Harga Daging di Pasar Tradisional Stabil

BANTUL (KRjogja.com) - Dihentikannya pasokan sapi impor dari Australia tidak berdampak pada harga daging di pasaran tradisional. Harga tetap stabil pada kisaran Rp 55 ribu hingga Rp 60 ribu.

Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Bantul, Ir Edy Suhariyanta MMA mengatakan, dampak dihentikannya pasokan sapi impor sebenarnya bukan pada harga daging. Tetapi lebih kepada harga sapi lokal yang diperkirakan semakin mahal. "Ketika harga sapi lokal rendah harga daging stabil, saya kira kondisi nya sama, tidak ada yang berubah," jelas Edy di Bantul, Minggu (12/6).

Pengaruhnya kata Edy masih beberapa bulan ke depan tu saja tidak begitu besar. Masalahnya, ketika pemerintah Australia mengumumkan kebijakan penghentian itu. Proses pengiriman sapi masih berlangsung. "Instruksi itu tidak serta merta impor sapi terhenti, kontrak impotir lokal harus diselesaikan dulu," kata Edy.

Sementara sejumlah pedagan daging tradisional di Bantul mengatakan, harga belum naik. Pedagang tak bisa memprediksi apakah ada kenaikan harga atau tidak. "Harganya masih sama, belum ada perubahan, masih Rp 55 ribu hingga Rp 60 ribu per kilogram," ujar Hj Warjilah di Pasar Imogiri.

Terpisah pengusaha daging Restu Bumi Segoroyoso Pleret Bantul, Ilham mengatakan, kemungkinan terjadi lonjakan harga paska penghentian sapi impor sangat kecil. "Hingga Lebaran kemungkinan tidak akan terjadi gejolak harga, bila ada sangat kecil sekali dan itu wajar terjadi tiap jelang Lebaran," ujar Ilham. (Roy)

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Meat Prices in Traditional Markets Stable

BANTUL (KRjogja.com) - Putting an end to the supply of beef imported from Australia had no impact on the price of meat in the traditional market. Prices remain stable at around Rp 55 thousand to USD 60 thousand.

Head of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Bantul, Ir Edy Suhariyanta MMA said the impact of the termination of supply of imported beef is not on the price of meat. But more to the price of local beef which is expected to increasingly expensive. "When local cattle prices low meat prices stabilized, I think the condition is the same, nothing has changed,"said Edy in Bantul, Sunday (12 / 6).

His influence is still Edy said the next few months course is not that big. The problem is, when the Australian government announced the termination of that policy. The process is still ongoing beef shipments. "The instruction was not immediately halted beef imports, local impotir contract must be resolved first," said Edy.

While a number of traditional meat pedagan in Bantul, said prices have not climbed. Traders could not predict whether any price increase or not. "The price is still the same, no change, still Rp 55 thousand to USD 60 thousand per kilogram," said Hj Warjilah Imogiri Market.

Separate meat entrepreneur Segoroyoso Pleret Restu Bumi Bantul, Ilham said the possibility of price hikes after the cessation of imports very little beef. "Until Lebaran possible price fluctuations will not occur, when there is very little at all and it happens every reasonable ahead of Idul Fitri," said Ilham.


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