Hari Ini Bolos, PNS Kena Sanksi

SLEMAN: Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Pemkab Sleman yang membolos masuk kerja usai cuti bersama, bakal dikenai sanksi. Setiap atasan di Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) diminta mengabsen bawahannya dan melapor hasil absensi ke Bupati Sleman lewat Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) pada hari pertama masuk kerja Senin (6/6), usai cuti bersama.

"Sanksi indispliner sudah jelas. Mulai dari teguran sampai pencopotan. Pengawasan dilakukan semua atasan," ujar kepala BKD Sleman Iswoyo Hadiwarno, kepada Harian Jogja, Minggu (5/6).

Sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No.83/2010, sanksi diberikan sesuai tingkat kesalahan pegawai. Mulai teguran lesan jika pegawai tidak masuk tanpa keterangan empat hari tanpa keterangan, hingga sanksi terberat, pegawai bisa dicopot dari kepegawaian jika mangkir kerja tanpa izin sedikitnya 46 hari selama setahun. Namun hal itu
jarang terjadi.

Menurut Iswoyo di lingkungan Pemkab sleman belum ada yang sampai dikenai sanksi terberat. Karena sistem pengawasan pegawai rutin dilakukan secara melekat setiap hari di semua instansi.

Seorang pemimpin instansi, lanjut dia, juga berfungsi sebagai pengawas dan wajib menegakkan kedisplinan dengan teladan. Jika ada pelanggaran ia menjadi orang pertama yang langsung memberikan pengarahan.

Bahas kunker

Adapun kesibukan juga dihadapi anggota DPRD Sleman di hari pertama masuk kerja setelah cuti bersama.

DPRD Sleman langsung mengagendakan sidang paripurna untuk melanjutkan pembahasan beberapa Rancangan Peraturan Daerah (raperda).

"Besok (hari ini) rencananya ada tiga raperda yang akan dibahas. Selain itu juga membahas agenda kerja internal Dewan lainnya," imbuh Suseno, Sekretaris DPRD Sleman kepada secara terpisah.

Salah satunya, lanjut dia, rencana kunjungan kerja anggota Dewan. Belum bisa dipastikan tujuannya ke mana, namun menurut Suseno kemungkinan akan diagendakan minggu kedua atau ketiga setelah masuk kerja pertama di bulan Juni. Suseno juga menjelaskan kunker kali ini kemungkinan akan diikuti seluruh anggota Badan di Dewan. Tujuannya masih akan dibahas namun kemungkinan akan ke luar Jawa. "Berapa anggarannya saya belum tahu pasti," terang dia.(Harian Jogja/Sumadiyono)

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Today Truant, PNS Taxable Sanctions

SLEMAN: Civil Servants (PNS) Sleman regency hooky from work after the leave, will be imposed.

Every supervisor in District Unit Devices (SKPD) mengabsen requested absentee subordinates and report results to the Board of Regents later Sleman District Officer (BKD) on the first day you come to work Monday (6 / 6), after the holidays together.

"Sanctions are obviously indispliner. Starting from reprimand to removal. Supervision is all the boss," said the head of BKD Iswoyo Hadiwarno Sleman, Yogyakarta to the Daily, Sunday (5 / 6).

According to Government Regulation No.83/2010, given appropriate sanction official error rates. Began to rebuke target if the officer does not go without the evidence of four days without any evidence, to the heaviest penalty, the officer can be removed from employment if absent from work without permission at least 46 days a year. However it

According to local government within sleman Iswoyo no one has to bear the heaviest sanction. Because the system is routinely conducted surveillance officer attached to each day in all instances.

A leader of the institution, he added, also serves as a monitor and enforce mandatory kedisplinan by example. If no violation is to be the first to directly provide guidance.

Debate kunker

The activity is also facing legislators in Sleman on the first day of work after the holidays together.

Sleman legislative agenda directly to the plenary session to continue discussion of several drafts of the District (raperda).

"Tomorrow (today) there are three raperda plan will be discussed. In addition, the Board discussed the agenda of the internal workings of another," said Suseno, Secretary to Parliament separately Sleman.

One of them, he added, plans visit to members of the Board. Goal can not be ensured to an extent, but according Suseno agenda is likely the second or third week after entering the first job in June.
Suseno also explains kunker this time will likely be followed by all members of the Board. The goal is still to be discussed but will likely be out of Java. "I do not know how the budget plan," he explained.


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