Kenaikan Tarif Rumah Sakit Memicu Inflasi

YOGYAKARTA--MICOM: Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) proVinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, mencatat kenaikan tarif rumah sakit pada bulan Mei, sebesar 2,81% telah memberikan andil terhadap inflasi, yakni 0,05%. "Dan itu menempati urutan teratas," kata Haryono, Kepala Bidang Statistik Distribusi BPS DIY, Rabu (1/6).

Urutan kedua, kata Haryono, setelah tarif rumah sakit adalah naiknya harga telur ayam ras sebesar 4,47% dan memberikan andil sebesar 0,04%. Urutan ketiga adalah kenaikan harga kontrak rumah, sewa
rumah, rokok kretek dan filter, serta upah pembantu rumha tangga, yang masing-masing naik sebesar 0,71%, 1,28%, 1,47%, dan 1,07% dengan memberi andil masing-masing 0,03%.

Kenaikan harga kebutuhan di DI Yogyakarta yang cukup signifikan tersebut, kata Haryono, menyebabkan inflasi sebesar 0,13%, dengan angka indeks 126,48. Dan angka itu relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengna keadaan indeks pada April yang mencapai indeks 126,32. (OL-8)

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Hospital Rate Increase Trigger Inflation

YOGYAKARTA - MICOM: Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Yogyakarta Special Region, recorded an increase in hospital rates in May, amounting to 2.81% has contributed to inflation, which is 0.05%. "And that occupy the top," said Haryono, Head of Distribution Statistics DIY Connecticut, on Wednesday (1 / 6).

The second sequence, said Haryono, after tariff hospital is rising egg prices by 4.47% and contributed 0.04%. Third is the rising price of home contracts, leases
home, clove cigarettes and filters, as well as wage rumha maid steps, which respectively increased by 0.71%, 1.28%, 1.47%, and 1.07%, with each contributing 0.03%.

The price increase needs in Yogyakarta which is significant enough, said Haryono, causing inflation of 0.13%, with an index number 126.48. And that figure is relatively higher than the state dengna index in April that the index reached 126.32.


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