Kereta Api Taksaka Anjlok di Banyumas

Okezone | Kereta api Taksaka jurusan Yogyakarta-Jakarta berhenti mendadak kawasan Patikraja, Banyumas. Roda kereta keluar landasan dan berhenti sebelum jembatan Notog, Patikraja.

“Ya ampyun, gerbong 9 KA Taksaka yang kunaiki malam ini keluar dari rel, konon 15 menit lagi sampai Purwokerto,” kata Butet Kertarajasa pada Twitternya, Sabtu (4/6/2011) malam.

Butet adalah salah satu penumpang kereta api eksekutif ini. “Posisi KA-Taksaka di desa Notog jembatan. Untung KA bisa berhenti, 20 meter lagi. Kalau tidak terhenti entahlah nasibku,” sambung Butet.

Hingga kini belum diketahui apakah kereta sudah dapat melanjutkan perjalanan atau belum. Saat okezone mencoba meminta konfirmasi kepada Humas PT KAI Daop I Mateta Rizalulhag, telepon genggamnya tidak bisa dihubungi.

KA Taksaka Anjlok Diduga Akibat Patah As

Kereta Api Taksaka jurusan Jakarta-Yogyakarta anjlok sebelum memasuki Stasiun Notog, Patikraja, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (4/6/2011) malam. Roda gerbong diduga mengalami patah as hingga keluar dari landasan.

Menurut Iwan (25), salah seorang penumpang, sebelum kereta anjlok, sempat mengalami guncangan cukup keras. Tak lama kemudian, Kereta anjlok dan terhenti setelah terdengar suara keras.

“Saya terkejut karena kereta tiba-tiba kereta berguncang dan tak lama kemudian terhenti karena anjlok,” ujar Iwan.

Petugas PT Kereta Api Daop V Purwokerto langsung melakukan pemeriksaan. Namun, menurut Humas Daop V Purwokerto, Surono, pihaknya belum bisa memastikan penyebab anjlok Kereta Taksaka ini.

“Kami belum mengetahui penyebab pasti anjloknya kereta ini. Namun kami berupaya memperbaiki secepatnya,” jelas Surono.

Hingga Minggu (5/6/2011) dinihari, rangkain Kereta Taksaka ini belum bisa dievakuasi. Sementara pihak Daop V berjanji akan secepatnya melakukan evakuasi.

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Railway Taksaka Down in Banyumas

Okezone | Taksaka major train stops suddenly Yogyakarta-Jakarta area Patikraja, Banyumas. Wheel tracks and stopped the car out before the bridge Notog, Patikraja.

"Yes ampyun, wagon train Taksaka the kunaiki 9 this evening out of the rail, they say 15 minutes to Purwokerto," said Kumi Kertarajasa on twitter, Saturday (06/04/2011) night.

Kumi is one of the passenger railroad executives. "KA-Taksaka position in the village Notog bridge. Profits can train stop, 20 meters longer. If you do not stop I do not know my fate, "continued exploitative.

Up to now the car is not known whether or not to continue the journey. When trying to ask for confirmation to okezone PR PT KAI DAOP I Mateta Rizalulhag, cell phone could not be contacted.

KA Taksaka Down As Expected Due to Broken

Train Taksaka majors Jakarta-Yogyakarta Notog down before entering the station, Patikraja, Banyumas, Central Java, on Saturday (06/04/2011) night. Allegedly suffered a broken wagon wheel us out of the runway.

According to Blue (25), one of the passengers, before the car down, had suffered shock hard enough. Shortly thereafter, Car dropped and stopped after a hard voice.

"I was surprised because the car suddenly the car shook, and soon stopped because of dropped," said Iwan.

PT Kereta Api Force V Purwokerto DAOP direct inspection. However, according to PR DAOP V Purwokerto, Surono, it can not be sure the cause of this Taksaka cars plummeted.

"We do not know the exact cause of this drop in the car. But we managed to improve immediately, "said Surono.

Through Sunday (06/05/2011) dawn, Cars network is not yet evacuated Taksaka. While the DAOP V promised to immediately conduct the evacuation.


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