Masuk SMA dan SMK Kian Ketat

YOGYAKARTA– Persaingan penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) reguler SMA/SMK di Kota Yogyakarta yang dimulai hari ini diprediksikan berlangsung sangat ketat.

Kondisi ini dikarenakan proses tersebut tidak hanya diikuti oleh calon siswa dari Kota Yogyakarta, tapi juga oleh ribuah calon peserta seleksi yang berasal dari luar kota. Hasil pendataan calon peserta seleksi yang berasal dari luar kota, baik di DIY maupun luar provinsi yang ditutup pada Sabtu (25/6) lalu, ada sekitar 4.000 orang calon siswa yang ingin bersekolah di Kota Yogyakarta.

”Yang berasal dari luar provinsi ada611orang,termasuk15diantaranya merupakan siswa yang dinyatakan telah lulus pada 2010 lalu,” tutur Kepala Seksi Data dan Kurikulum Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta Priyo Sambodo,baru-baru ini. Peserta dari luar DIY sebagian besar berasal dari Jawa Tengah. Sementara calon peserta seleksi yang berasal dari sekolah di empat kabupaten di DIY jumlahnya 3.333 orang.

Dari jumlah ini tercatat calon yang berasal dari Sleman mendominasi dibandingkan tiga kabupaten lainnya. PPDB Real Time Online (RTO) SMA dan SMK reguler di Kota Yogykarta akan dibuka mulai hari ini.Untuk SMA,pendaftaran berlangsung dua hari dan hasilnya diumumkan pada 30 Juni mendatang.Sedangkan untuk SMK pendaftarannya akan berlangsung selama tiga hari.

Merujuk pada catatan proses PPDB 2010,Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta memprediksi persaingan paling ketat akan dirasakan di jenjang SMK.”Berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya, pendaftar SMK sebanyak 60 persen lebih justru bukan penduduk Kota Yogya,”sebut Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta Budi Santosa Asrori.

Melihat kondisi ini, pihaknya berharap calon peserta seleksi dapat mengamati secara jeli agar keinginannya bersekolah di Yogyakarta dapat tercapai. Hal tersebut mempertimbangkan seringnya para peserta seleksi membeludak di salah satu program keahlian di SMK yang mereka tuju. Persoalan tersebut acap kali menyebabkan terjadinya ketimpangan antara program keahlian favorit dengan yang tidak disenangi masyarakat.

Beberapa jurusan yang selalu memiliki peminat lebih yakni Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Teknik Multimedia dan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan,Automotif. Sesuai keputusan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta, PPDB RTO SMA dan SMK di Yogyakarta akan menyediakan 7.381 kursi. Dari jumlah tersebut untuk SMA tersedia 3.301 kursi dengan 2.581 kursi di antaranya untuk SMA negeri.

Sementara untuk kuota siswa luar kota di SMAN hanya tersedia sebanyak 681 kursi. Sementara untuk SMK tersedia sebanyak 4.080 kursi dengan jumlah kursi di tujuh SMKN sebanyak 3.576 kursi. Jumlah tersebut masih belum memperhitungkan kursi yang telah terisi calon siswa pemegang KMS yang proses seleksinya berlangsung awal pekan lalu. Dari catatan SINDO, untuk kuota kursi SMAN yang telah terisi oleh siswa KMS adalah 79. Sedangkan di SMK, kursi yang telah terisi sebanyak 770. (maha deva)

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To SMA and SMK Increasingly Tight

YOGYAKARTA-Competition acceptance of new learners (PPDB) regular high school / vocational school in the city of Yogyakarta, which begins today is predicted to take place very tight.

This condition is not only due process was followed by a prospective student from Yogyakarta, but also by ribuah selection candidates from outside the city. The results of data collection selection candidates from outside the city, both in and outside the province of DIY is closed on Saturday (25 / 6) and then, there are some 4,000 prospective students who wish to attend school in the city of Yogyakarta.

"That comes from outside the province ada611orang, termasuk15diantaranya are students who have otherwise been passed in 2010 and then," said Head of Data and Curriculum Education Office of Yogyakarta Priyo Sambodo, recently. Participants from outside the DIY comes mostly from Central Java. While the selection of candidates who come from schools in four districts in Yogyakarta number 3333 people.

Of this number listed candidates from three districts of Sleman dominate than others. PPDB Real Time Online (RTO) regular and vocational high school in town will be open beginning today Yogykarta ini.Untuk high school, the registration lasts two days and the results were announced on June 30 tomorrow. While for vocational registration will last for three days.

Referring to the record of the process PPDB 2010, the Education Office of Yogyakarta predict competition will be felt in the most stringent level vocational school. "Based on previous experience, vocational school applicants just as much as 60 percent more non-resident city of Yogyakarta," said Secretary of Education Office of Yogyakarta city Asrori Budi Santosa.

Seeing this condition, it hoped the selection of potential participants can observe keenly desire to attend school in Yogyakarta can be reached. It is considering the selection membeludak frequent participants in one of these programs in vocational skills that they are headed. These issues often result in a discrepancy between your favorite programs expertise with unwelcome society.

Some of the majors who has always had more interest in the Engineering Computer Network, Multimedia and Lightweight Vehicle Engineering, Automotive. As per decision of the Head of Education Office of Yogyakarta city, PPDB RTO and vocational high schools in Yogyakarta will provide 7381 seats. Of these 3301 seats are available to high school with 2581 seats of which high school to the country.

While out of town for quota students at SMAN available only as many as 681 seats. While the SMK is available for as many as 4080 seats by the number of seats in 3576 as many as seven seats SMKN. The amount is still not taking the seat that had filled KMS prospective students holding a selection process took place early last week. Of note SINDO, for the quota seats are filled by SMAN KMS students is 79. While at CMS, which has occupied the chair as much as 770.


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