Pesta Miras Empat Siswi : Bisa Dikeluarkan dari Sekolah

RADAR JOGJA - Menyusul tertangkapnya empat siswi salah satu SMK swasta di Kota Jogja oleh petugas Polsek Depok Timur saat pesta miras, membuat gerah Dinas Pendidikan (Disdik) dan Dinas Ketertiban (Dintib) Kota Jogja. Disdik, dalam waktu dekat, akan memanggil pihak sekolah yang bersangkutan untuk investigasi.

Bahkan jika empat siswi tersebut juga sudah melampui skor batas maksimal, tidak mustahil, mereka bakal dikeluarkan dari tempat belajar selama ini. ’’Kami akan melakukan investigasi dan koordinasi dengan Polsek Depok Timur untuk selanjutnya disampaikan ke pihak sekolah,’’ kata Kepala Seksi Kesiswaan Pengembangan Pendidikan Disdik Kota Jogja Wisnu Sanjaya, kemarin (10/6).

Wisnu juga menyesalkan mudahnya keempat siswi tersebut mendapatkan miras. Hanya dengan uang Rp 10 ribu, miras oplosan yang dikenal ciu sudah bisa dibawa pulang. ’’Kami akan melakukan koordinasi dengan Dinas Ketertiban kenapa siswi tersebut mudah mendapatkan miras,’’ sambungnya.

Seperti diberitakan Radar Jogja kemarin (10/6), empat siswi, dua di antaranya masih mengenakan seragam sekolah lengkap, tertangkap aparat Polsek Depok Timur saat tengah pesta miras. Mereka tertangkap di Embung Tambak Boyo.

Polisi juga berhasil menyita barang bukti berupa dua kaleng bir, dua botol plastik minuman ringan 250 milileter berisi ciu dicampur anggur merah, dan sebungkus rokok. Empat siswi tersebut adalah GA, 17, Warga Nogotirto, Gamping, SK, 17, (Gondokusuman, Jogja), DMB, 17, (Danukusuman, Jogja), dan WMR, 18, (Gondokusuman, Jogja).
GA, saat dimintai keterangan membeberkan, ciu seharga Rp 10 ribu itu dibeli SK di daerah Baciro. Tapi, mereka tak mengaku di mana membeli miras.

Tertangkapnya empat siswi ini menjadi keprihatinan Disdik. Mereka pun segera berkoordinasi dengan pihak Dintib untuk mencegah meluasnya peredaran miras oplosan tersebut.

Terpisah, Kepala Bidang Pengendalian Operasional Dintib Kota Jogja Nurwidi Hartana mengatakan, pihaknya membutuhkan kerja sama masyarakat untuk menemukan perdagangan miras. ’’Kami butuh masukan informasi masyarakat yang lengkap. Sebab jika hanya menindaklanjuti temuan, pedagang sudah lebih cepat,’’ keluhnya.

Dintib dalam memerangi peredaran miras ini, memang dilematis. Di satu sisi mereka memiliki tugas memberantas semua peredaran miras eceran di Kota Jogja sesuai Perda No. 7 tahun 1953. Tapi di sisi lain, di Kota Jogja masih ada dua distributor besar yang mendapatkan izin dari Kementrian Perdagangan.

’’Satu botol pun, jika kita temui akan kita tindak dan akan kita kenakan sanksi berdasarkan ancaman denda Rp 50 juta atau ancaman penjara maksimal 3 bulan,’’ tegasnya. (eri)

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Four alcohol Party Girls: Can Excluded from School

YOGYAKARTA - Following the arrest of one of four female students of a private vocational school in the city of Yogyakarta by police officers during a party East Depok alcohol, to grip Department of Education (Disdik) and Service Order (Dintib) city of Yogyakarta. Disdik, in the near future, will call the school concerned for investigation.

Even if the four girls are also already exceeded the maximum score, not impossible, they will be excluded from the study so far. ''We will conduct an investigation and coordination with the East Depok Police henceforth be submitted to the school,''said Chief of Education Section of Student Development Disdik Title Wisnu Sanjaya, yesterday (10 / 6).

Vishnu also deplored the four girls are easy to obtain alcohol. Only with money USD $ 10 thousand, which is known ciu oplosan alcohol can take home. ''We will coordinate with Public Order, why girls are easy to get alcohol,''he continued.

Radar Jogja As reported yesterday (10 / 6), four girls, two of whom were still wearing full school uniform, East Depok Police officers caught in the middle of a party alcohol. They were caught in smalldam Pond Boyo.

Police also confiscated evidence in the form of two cans of beer, two plastic bottles of soft drink contains 250 milileter ciu blended red wine, and a pack of cigarettes. Four students were GA, 17, Citizens Nogotirto, Gamping, SK, 17, (Gondokusuman, Jogja), DMB, 17, (Danukusuman, Jogja), and WMR, 18, (Gondokusuman, Jogja).
GA, when questioning revealed, ciu worth USD 10 thousand were purchased in the area Baciro SK. But, they did not confess where to buy alcohol.

The arrest of four students is a concern Disdik. They were soon coordinate with the Dintib to prevent the widespread circulation of the alcohol oplosan.

Separately, Head of Operations Control Dintib Nurwidi Hartana Title says it needs the cooperation of society to find the alcohol trade. ''We need a comprehensive public information input. For if only to follow up the findings, traders are much faster,''he complained.

Dintib in combating the circulation of alcohol, is indeed a dilemma. On the one hand they have a duty to eradicate all retail alcohol circulation in the city of Yogyakarta as Perda No. 7 of 1953. But on the other hand, in the city of Yogyakarta there are still two major distributors who obtain permission from the Ministry of Commerce.

''One bottle too, if we meet we will follow and will we put on sanctions under the threat of a fine of Rp 50 million or the threat of a maximum of 3 months in prison,''he said.


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