Sleman Belum Batasi Penerimaan CPNS

SLEMAN—Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Sleman belum membatasi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) sesuai anjuran pemerintah pusat. Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi sebelumnya mengingatkan daerah untuk menertibkan pegawai honorer dan merasionalkan kebutuhan aparatur negara secara ideal.

Kepala BKD Sleman Iswoyono Hadiwarno mengatakan, sejauh ini pihaknya belum mendapatkan surat resmi terkait hal tersebut, sehingga usulan penerimaan CPNS tahun ini tetap 1.250 formasi. ”Jumlah CPNS yang kami ajukan terhitung banyak, kami belum khawatir. Kalau sudah ada putusan surat resminya kami siap melaksanakan,” katanya kepada wartawan, Kamis (30/6).

Usulan tersebut lebih banyak dibandingkan jumlah pegawai yang pensiun tahun ini yang mencapai 503 pegawai. Menurut dia, usulan lebih banyak karena usulan belum tentu disetujui semua. Tahun 2010 BKD mengajukan usulan 1.500 formasi dan hanya setujui 180 formasi.(Harian Jogja/Akhirul Anwar)

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Sleman No Limit Vacancy

SLEMAN-Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Sleman not restrict the acceptance of candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) as recommended by the central government. Interior Minister Gamawan Fauzi previously warned the region to order the permanent employees and rationalize the state apparatus needs ideally.

Head of BKD Sleman Iswoyono Hadiwarno say, so far it has not received an official letter related matter, so the proposed revenue this year remains 1250 CPNS formation. "The number CPNS that we asked countless, we do not worry. If you already have the verdict we were ready to carry out his official letter, "he told reporters on Thursday (30 / 6).

The proposal was more than the number of employees who retired this year to reach 503 employees. According to him, more because the proposal is not necessarily approved all proposals. Year 2010 1500 BKD proposed formation and only approved 180 of the formation.


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