18 Mahasiswa Asal Cina Diwisuda di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta mewisuda sebanyak 18 mahasiswa dari China yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan pada Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Sastra perguruan tinggi swasta itu.

"Mereka terdiri atas empat mahasiswa dan 14 mahasiswi. Ke-18 mahasiswa yang telah lulus itu merupakan bagian dari 53 mahasiswa China yang belajar di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD)," kata Rektor UAD Kasiyarno di Yogyakarta, Sabtu.

Menurut dia pada upacara wisuda sarjana dan pascasarjana UAD periode Juli 2011, studi mereka di UAD merupakan hasil kerja sama dengan Guangxi University for Nationalities, China, dalam program 2+2.

"Program 2+2 adalah dua tahun belajar di Guangxi University dan dua tahun di UAD. Program itu dimulai pada Agustus 2009," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, upacara wisuda periode Juli 2011 diikuti 578 lulusan UAD dari 29 program studi. Lulusan sebanyak itu terdiri atas 568 lulusan sarjana dan 10 lulusan pascasarjana.
"Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) lulusan periode Juli 2011 rata-rata 3,12 atau naik 0,08 dari periode Maret 2011. IPK tertinggi periode Juli 2011 diraih Airin Ratnaningtyas dari Program Studi Manajemen," katanya.

Menurut dia, lulusan tercepat periode Juli 2011 diraih Syahabuddin dari Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika dengan masa studi tiga tahun tujuh bulan 18 hari dengan IPK 3,11. Hingga kini alumni UAD berjumlah 25.426 orang.

"Kami berharap kesarjanaan dan kemusliman lulusan UAD dapat menambah kebahagiaan keluarga. Kami juga berharap silaturahmi di antara kita tetap terjalin dengan baik," katanya.

Ketua Badan Pelaksana Harian UAD Muchlas Abror mengatakan, lulusan UAD diharapkan dapat membuktikan rasa syukur masing-masing dengan selalu membina diri pribadi dan lingkungan secara baik.

"Dengan demikian, lulusan UAD mampu melakukan pengendalian diri dalam arti luas dan berperan menggerakkan masyarakat untuk mengisi kemerdekaan menuju terwujudnya masyarakat adil makmur lahir batin," katanya.

Redaktur: Siwi Tri Puji B
Sumber: Antara

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18 Students of Origin China Inaugurated in Ahmad Dahlan University

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - Ahmad Dahlan University in Yogyakarta inaugurated as many as 18 students from China who have completed education at the Literary Studies Program Faculty of Letters Indonesia's private colleges.

"They consist of four students and 14 female students. The 18 students who have passed that part of the 53 Chinese students who studied at the University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD)," said Rector UAD Kasiyarno in Yogyakarta on Saturday.

According to him at the graduation ceremony UAD undergraduate and postgraduate period in July 2011, their study in the UAD is the result of cooperation with Guangxi University for Nationalities, China, in the 2 +2 program.

"2 +2 program is a two-year study at Guangxi University and two years in the UAD. The program began in August 2009," he said.

He said the graduation ceremony in July 2011 followed a period of UAD 578 graduates from 29 programs of study. Graduates as much as it consisted of 568 undergraduate and 10 graduate graduate graduate.
"Grade point average (GPA) of graduates in July 2011 period average 3.12, up 0.08 of a period in March 2011. The highest GPA in July 2011 period reached Airin Ratnaningtyas of Management Studies Program," he said.

According to him, graduated in July 2011 achieved the fastest period Syahabuddin of Mathematics Education Studies Program with a study period of three years and seven months of 18 days with a GPA of 3.11. Until now alumni UAD numbered 25,426 people.

"We hope the scholarship and graduate kemusliman UAD can add to the happiness of the family. We also hope that friendship between us can stay in touch with the good," he said.

Daily Executive Chairman of the UAD Muchlas Abror said, UAD graduates are expected to prove each of gratitude by always fostering personal self and the environment as well.

"Thus, the UAD graduates capable of self-control in a broad sense and mobilize the community to fill the role of independence towards the realization of just and prosperous society physically and spiritually," he said.


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