Bisnis Perhotelan di DIY Makin Ketat

YOGYAKARTA--MICOM: Bisnis perghotelan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta akan makin ketat menyusul adanya 15 hotel baru yang segera beroperasi tahun ini. Demikian dikatakan Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia DIY Istidjab Danunegoro.

Menurut Istidjab dari beroperasinya sejumlah hotel baru kelas bintang tahun ini membuat jumlah kamar hotel di DIY bertambahan 2.000 buah.

Ia menyebutkan sejumlah hotel baru tersebut empat di antaranya bintang lima, dan lainnya bintang dua hingga bintang empat. Menurut dia, penambahan hotel baru di DIY memang akan memicu persaingan tarif kamar. Namun, diharapkan tidak terjadi saling banting tarif, dan harus bersaing secara sehat. Artinya, tidak bersaing dalam tarif, tetapi dalam pelayanan terhadap tamu hotel.

"Kualitas pelayanan terhadap tamu hotel hendaknya dikedepankan sebagai bentuk persaingan yang sehat, bukan saling banting tarif kamar," katanya, Kamis (21/7).

Ia mengatakan setiap hotel kelas bintang di DIY memiliki ciri khas dan keunggulan sendiri, sehingga dengan meningkatkan pelayanan, diharapkan dapat menarik minat wisatawan menginap di hotel itu.

Dengan bertambahnya hotel kelas bintang di DIY, menurut Istidjab, itu berarti "kue" wisatawan yang diperebutkan juga bertambah. Jika kue tersebut jumlahnya masih sama, mereka akan memperoleh lebih sedikit. "Di DIY saat ini ada 37 hotel kelas bintang, yaitu bintang satu hingga bintang lima, serta nantinya ditambah sejumlah hotel baru yang sedang dibangun," katanya.

Ia mengatakan upaya memperbesar "kue" di antaranya dengan meningkatkan promosi, termasuk ke luar negeri, serta melalui upaya lain agar dapat menarik minat wisatawan, terutama wisatawan mancanegara, sehingga mereka datang dan menginap di hotel di provinsi ini. "Untuk itu, target kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara sebanyak 200.000 orang dalam tahun ini diharapkan tercapai," katanya. (Ant/OL-04)

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The Hospitality Business at DIY Tight

YOGYAKARTA - MICOM: Business Hospitality in Yogyakarta Special Region will become more stringent following the 15 new hotel soon be operational this year. As stated by Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants DIY Istidjab Danunegoro.

According Istidjab of the operation of a number of new hotels this year's class of stars to make the number of hotel rooms in DIY increase 2000 pieces.

He mentioned several new hotels are four of them five-star, and the other two stars to four stars. According to him, the addition of new hotels in Yogyakarta will indeed trigger the competition room rate. However, it should not happen slam each tariff, and must compete in a healthy manner. That is, do not compete in the tariff, but in service to hotel guests.

"The quality of service to hotel guests should be stepped up as a healthy form of competition, not slam each other the room rate," he said Thursday (21 / 7).

He said every star class hotel in Yogyakarta has its own distinctive features and advantages, so that by improving the service, expected to attract tourists to stay at the hotel.

With the increase in star class hotels in Yogyakarta, according Istidjab, it means "cake" is contested tourists also increased. If the cake is still the same amount, they will earn less. "In the current DIY there are 37 star-class hotel, which is one star to five stars, and later added a number of new hotels being built," he said.

He said efforts to enlarge the "pie" of them by increasing the promotion, including abroad, as well as through other efforts to attract tourists, especially foreign tourists, so they come and stay at. hotels in the province. "To that end, the target of tourist arrivals in the year as many as 200,000 people are expected to be achieved," he said


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