Kemacetan Malioboro Segera Teratasi

Dimulai, Pembangunan Jembatan Kleringan

JOGJA - Upaya Pemkot Jogja mengurai kemacetan lalu lintas di titik-titik menuju Jalan Malioboro dengan membangun Jembatan Kleringan, mulai direalisasikan. Saat ini, proses pembangunan jembatan tersebut sudah dimulai.

Diharapkan pada November 2011, jembatan sepanjang 36 meter itu sudah dapat difungsikan.
"Pemenang lelang sudah ada, PT Marga Karya dari Pati, Jawa Tengah. Mereka sudah mulai tahap pembersihan sejak 14 Juni lalu," kata Kepala Dinas Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah (Kimpraswil) Kota Jogja Toto Suroto, kemarin (5/7).

Toto menjelaskan, jembatan ini diproyeksikan memecah keruwetan lalu lintas dari Jalan Kleringan menuju Jalan Abu Bakar Ali. Minggu depan, pihak pengembang sudah melakukan pemasangan bor pile atau tiang pancang.
"Kami targetkan sampai November mendatang sudah bisa dilalui kendaraan," imbuh Toto.

Kepala Bina Marga Dinas Kimpraswil Kota Jogja Wijayanto menerangkan, untuk proses pemasangan tiang pancang bakal selesai pada September. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pengecoran badan jembatan.

Jembatan Kleringan, sesuai Detail Engineering Design (DED), juga akan menurunkan jalan di bawah jembatan kereta api Kewek. Ini untuk mempermudah bus-bus pariwisata melintasi jalan melingkar menuju Malioboro.

"Tingginya akan kami sesuaikan, agar tidak ada lagi bus yang tersangkut," katanya.

Jembatan tersebut, rencananya membujur dari Kleringan sampai Abu Bakar Ali. Panjangnya mencapai 36 meter dengan lebar total 18 meter. Lebar tersebut untuk badan jalan 14 meter dan trotoar masing-masing dua meter di sisi kiri dan kanan jalan.
Dana untuk membangun jembatan tersebut, Pemkot Jogja bersama Pemprov DIJ harus sharing. Pemprov menyediakan anggaran Rp 8 miliar dan pemkot Rp 1,28 miliar.

"Nilai kontrak total pembangunan ini sebesar Rp 9,28 miliar," sambungnya.

Untuk memberikan suasana Kota Jogja pada jembatan tersebut, Bina Marga sudah memesankan ornamen khas batik di sisi kanan dan kiri trotoar.

"Ini sesuai tujuan dari semua proyek pembangunan di Kota Jogja untuk menambahkan ornamen khas Jogja," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, pihak pemkot bersama kecamatan sudah melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di tiga kecamatan yang berdekatan. Yakni Gowongan (Jetis), Kotabaru (Gondokusuman), dan Suryatmajan (Danurejan).

"Dari hasil sosialisasi dicapai beberapa kesepakatan seperti menggunakan tenaga kerja lokal maksimal 20 persen Direncanakan tenaga lokal itu dipakai untuk tenaga keamanan," katanya.

Terpisah, Wakil Ketua Komisi C DPRD Kota Jogja Suwarto berharap, proses pembangunan Jembatan Kleringan bisa selesai sesuai target. Apalagi, melihat waktu pengerjaan nanti yang juga akan bareng dengan musim Lebaran.

"Saya kira harus dipikirkan solusi bagaimana waktu pengerjaan saat musim Lebaran. Sebab, sudah biasa terjadi setiap musim Lebaran, jalan menuju Malioboro selalu macet," sarannya.

Dia mengemukakan, becermin dari beberapa proyek besar pemkot lain, pengawasan terhadap proses pembangunan tersebut wajib dicermati seluruh pihak.
"Masyarakat perlu mengawasi proses itu karena nilainya besar dan menjadi fasilitas penting," kata politikus dari PDIP ini. (eri)

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Congestion Malioboro Solved Soon

Starting, Building Bridges Kleringan

YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta City Government Attempts to parse the traffic congestion at points towards the Jalan Malioboro by building Kleringan Bridge, began to be realized. Currently, the process has already begun construction of the bridge.

Expected in November 2011, 36-meter long bridge was to function.
"The winner of the auction already, PT Marga work of Pati, Central Java. They have started cleaning stages since June 14 last," said Head of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure (Infrastructure) Title Toto Suroto, yesterday (5 / 7).

Toto explains, the bridge is projected to break the clutter of traffic from road to Jalan Abu Bakar Kleringan Ali. Next week, the developer has done the drill mounting pile or piles.
"We are targeting to November has been impassable for vehicles coming," said Toto.

Head of Highways Department of Infrastructure All Title Wijayanto explain, for the installation of the stake will be completed in September. Then proceed with the process of casting the body bridge.

Kleringan bridge, according to DED (DED), will also reduce the road under the railway bridge Kewek. This is to facilitate tourist buses across the circular driveway to Malioboro.

"The high we will adjust, so that no more buses are stuck," he said.

The bridge, stretching from the plan until Abu Bakr Ali Kleringan. Its length reaches 36 meters with a total width of 18 meters. The width of the road for 14 yards and sidewalks each two meters on either side of the road.
Funds to build the bridge, the City Government Provincial Government of Yogyakarta with DIJ be sharing. Provincial Government provides a budget of Rp 8 billion and the local administration of Rp 1.28 billion.

"The value of total construction contracts amounted to Rp 9.28 billion," he continued.

To provide an atmosphere of Yogyakarta on the bridge, Highways has ordered the typical batik ornaments on the right side and left the pavement.

"This is the purpose of all development projects in the city of Yogyakarta to add ornamentation typical of Yogyakarta," he said.

Previously, the city government with the district has been outreach to the community in three adjacent districts. Namely Gowongan (Jetis), Kotabaru (Gondokusuman), and Suryatmajan (Danurejan).

"From the result of socialization reached some agreements such as the use of local labor force is planned that a maximum of 20 percent was used for local security force," he said.

Separately, Vice Chairman of Commission C DPRD Title Suwarto hope, the development process Kleringan Bridge could be completed on target. Moreover, look at that later time would also work together with the Lebaran season.

"I think to think about how the working time solutions Lebaran season. Therefore, it is common every Lebaran season, the road to Malioboro is always jammed," he advised.

He pointed out, look in the mirror of some other local government big projects, supervise the construction process shall be observed throughout the party.
"People need to oversee that process because of its value and become an important facility," said PDI-P politician of this.


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