Krisis Air Bersih Landa Kulonprogo, Kulonprogo: Krisis air bersih terjadi di Desa Banjarasri, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. Untuk mendapat air bersih, warga harus berjalan hingga dua kilometer ke desa tetangga. Kondisi ini terjadi sejak dua pekan terakhir.

Setiap keluarga rata-rata memerlukan delapan drum kecil untuk kebutuhan air besih selama dua hari sehingga pencari air harus berkali-kali ke sumber air sepanjang hari. Selain naik kendaraan roda dua, beberapa warga berjalan kaki ke sumber air.

Menurut warga, mencari air di tengah hutan sudah bukan hal baru bagi keluarganya. Setiap menginjak musim kemarau, mengambil air bergalon-galon ke sumber air harus dilakukan. Pasalnya mereka harus merogoh kocek Rp 30 ribu jika ingin membeli.

Sementara itu bak penampungan yang dibangun pemda setahun lalu tak berfungsi sama sekali. Bak penampungan nampak tidak terurus. Warga berharap agar pemerintah setempat segera meresepon kesulitan air bersih yang terjadi hampir tiap tahun.(JUM)

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Water Crisis Engulfing Kulon Progo, Kulonprogo: clean water crisis occurred in the village of Banjarasri, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. To get clean water, residents had to walk up to two kilometers to the neighboring village. This condition occurred since the last two weeks.

Every family need an average of eight small drum to the needs of clean water for two days so that the search of water must be repeatedly into the source of water throughout the day. In addition to ride two-wheeled vehicles, some residents walk to the water source.

According to residents, looking for water in the middle of the forest is not a new thing for her family. Each step on the dry season, taking gallons of water into water sources must be done. The reason they have to spend USD 30 thousand if you want to buy.

Meanwhile, the reservoirs are built regional governments a year ago did not work at all. Reservoirs appear not neglected. Residents hope that the local government immediately meresepon clean water shortages that occur almost every year.


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