Normalisasi Sungai di Sleman dengan Skema Baru

SLEMAN--MICOM: Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sedang menyiapkan skema baru program normalisasi aliran sungai yang berhulu di Gunung Merapi. Pasalnya, jumlah endapan material yang tersisa masih belum sebanding dengan pengerukan.

"Saat ini terdapat sekitar 140 juta meter kubik material berupa pasir dan batu yang masih berada di lereng Merapi. Sebagian besar itu mengendap di sungai berhulu Merapi," kata Kepala Dinas Sumber Daya Air, Energi dan Mineral (SDAEM) Kabupaten Sleman Widi Sutikno, Sabtu (16/7).

Menurut dia, endapan material Merapi di sejumlah sungai berhulu Merapi tersebut jika ini tidak secepatnya dikurangi atau dikeruk, maka potensi banjir lahar dingin masih sangat besar.

"Jika dihitung kasar saja, saat ini setiap hari ada 2.500 truk yang mengangkut pasir. Jika masing-masing truk tersebut mengangkut lima meter kubik pasir dan batu, maka per hari ada 12.500 meter kubik material yang berhasil diambil," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, dengan asumsi hitungan tersebut maka dalam setahun baru berhasil mengangkut 500 ribu meter kubik material. "Dengan timbunan material di puncak Merapi mencapai 140 juta meter kubik maka dibutuhkan waktu 28 tahun untuk bisa menghabiskan material di lereng Merapi," katanya.

Widi mengatakan, untuk mempercepat proses pengambilan material, perlu skema baru terutama terkait normalisasi di sungai berhulu Merapi. "Kami masih menyiapkan skema baru ini, diharapkan nantinya kegiatan normalisasi dapat lebih optimal," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, skema baru tersebut lebih pada teknis pengerukan material yakni, supaya pengambilan material bisa dilakukan secara merata dan lebih efektif.

"Jika dilihat di Sungai Gendol itu ada beberapa bagian yang atasnya sudah dalam namun dibawahnya masih dangkal, ini tentunya bisa sangat berbahaya. Makanya, nanti kami buatkan skema supaya bisa rata. Jangan berlubang-lubang. Skema baru normalisasi sungai ini lebih mementingkan aspek keamanan warga jika musim penghujan tiba," katanya. (Ant/OL-04)

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Normalization River in Sleman with New Scheme

SLEMAN - MICOM: Government of Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region is preparing a new scheme of the normalization program streams disgorge at Mount Merapi. Because the amount of sediment remaining material is still not comparable with the dredging.

"Currently there are approximately 140 million cubic meters of material in the form of sand and stones that are still on the slopes of Merapi. Most of the sediment in rivers disgorge Merapi," said Head of Water Resources, Energy and Minerals (SDAEM) Sleman Widi Sutikno, Saturday (16 / 7).

According to him, the sediment material in a number of rivers disgorge Merapi Merapi is if this is not immediately reduced or dredged, the cold lava flood potential is still enormous.

"If only a rough count, at this time every day there are 2500 trucks carrying sand. If each of these trucks carry five cubic meters of sand and stones, then a day there are 12,500 cubic yards of material had taken," he said.

He said, assuming the count then in the new year managed to transport 500 thousand cubic meters of material. "With the pile of material at the peak of Merapi reached 140 million cubic meters it takes 28 years to be able spend the material on the slopes of Merapi," he said.

Widi said, to speed up the process of making material, particularly relating to new schemes on rivers disgorge normalization of Merapi. "We're still setting up this new scheme, expected future activities may be more optimal normalization," he said.

He said the new scheme is more on dredging material that is technical, so making the material can be done equitably and more effectively.

"When viewed in Gendol River, there are some parts that are already in, but underneath it is still shallow, it certainly can be very dangerous. So, will we build the scheme in order to average. Do not perforated. The new scheme is more concerned with dam safety aspects of citizen if the rainy season arrives, "he said.


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