Proses Check In Lion Kacau, Penumpang Ngamuk

Petugas Lion Air hanya bisa minta maaf.

VIVAnews - Puluhan penumpang pesawat Lion Air di Terminal 1 Bandara Soekarno Hatta mengamuk pagi ini. Mereka marah karena tiba-tiba proses check in ditutup, padahal waktu boarding masih lama.

"Maaf, kami sudah close," kata salah seorang petugas Lion Air di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.

Penumpang yang sudah antre sejak pagi di check in counter yang harusnya melayani semua jurusan, diminta ke Help Desk oleh petugas. Kekacauan ini terjadi di penerbangan Lion Air tujuan Yogyakarta dengan nomor penerbangan JT 522 yang dijadwalkan berangkat pukul 07.40 WIB.

Selain itu, juga terjadi pada rute lainnya, seperti tujuan Surabaya dengan nomor penerbangan JT 448, dan juga tujuan Makassar.

"Saya sudah beli (tiket) seminggu lalu dan sudah confirmed. Berapa uangnya sudah berbunga-bunga. Paling bisa kau, Lion!" teriak salah satu penumpang ke petugas.

Seorang ibu setengah baya, berkerudung, bernasib lebih parah. Dia sudah mengantre sejak pukul 06.00 WIB. Perempuan ini membeli tiket tujuan Yogyakarta pukul 07.40 WIB. Namun, pada pukul 06.30 WIB dia diberi tahu pesawat sudah berangkat. "Saya lebih parah, katanya tiket saya hangus," katanya pasrah.

Petugas-petugas Lion Air kebingungan. Seperti koor mereka diinstruksikan untuk mengatakan, "Maaf, kami overbooked." (adi)

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Check In Lion Miss Organizing, Passengers Furious

Lion Air's officers can only apologize.

Vivanews - Dozens of Lion Air passenger plane at Soekarno Hatta Airport Terminal 1 this morning rampage. They were angry because of the sudden check-in process was closed, but boarding is still a long time.

"Sorry, we're close," said one Lion officers at Soekarno-Hatta.

Passengers who had lined up since morning at the check in counter was supposed to serve all the majors, was asked by officers to the Help Desk. This confusion occurs in the Lion Air flight destination JT Yogyakarta flight number 522 is scheduled to depart at 7:40 pm.

In addition, it also occurs on other routes, such as goal JT Surabaya flight number 448, and also the purpose of Makassar.

"I've bought (tickets) a week ago and has been confirmed. How much money has flowered. Most can you, Lion!" shouted one of the passengers to the officer.

A middle-aged mother, hooded, fared worse. He's been lining up since 06.00 pm. Women are buying tickets destination of Yogyakarta at 7:40 pm. However, at 06.30 pm he was told the plane had already left. "I'm worse, he said my reservation burned," he said resignedly.

Lion Air officers confusion. Like the choir they were instructed to say, "Sorry, we overbooked."


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