Idul Fitri, Para Pengemis Padati Alun-Alun Utara Yogya

YOGYA ( - Shalat Idul Fitri di Alun-Alun Utara Yogyakarta dipadati oleh puluhan ribuan umat. Puluhan diantaranya adalah pengemis yang mencoba mengetuk pintu hati para pengunjung yang beribadah di lokasi tersebut.

Sebelum shalat dimulai, puluhan pengemis duduk berjejer di trotoar di ruas jalan utama menuju alun-alun. Sesudah shalat berakhir, para pengemis beraksi lebih agresif, dengan berdiri di sekitar ruas jalan tersebut, dan ada beberapa yang berjalan berkeliling sambil menggendong anaknya.

Salah seorang pengemis mengaku bernama Seblon mengaku, sudah datang ke lokasi ini sejak subuh. Wanita paruh baya asal Ndeles Klaten ini mengaku akan 'mangkal' di sekitar Alun-Alun Utara Yogya hingga besok sore.

"Setiap lebaran saya selalu ke sini. Biasanya dapat Rp30 ribu, atau Rp 35 ribu per hari," ungkapnya sembari mengangkat gelas plastik meminta sedekah, Selasa (30/8).

Sementara Anik, dari Purwokerto mengaku baru dua tahun ini mengemis di kawasan Alun-ALun Utara Yogya ini. Ia mengaku akan pulang ke rumahnya sore hari nanti.

"Saya tidak disuruh sama siapapun, ya cuma untuk cari sesuap nasi, yang penting halal. Moga-moga yang memberi saya diberi rezeki berlimpah," katanya. (Den)

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Idul Fitri, The Beggar Fill North Square Yogya

YOGYA ( - Eid al-Fitr prayers at the North Square of Yogyakarta populated by tens of thousands of people. Dozens of them are beggars who try to knock on the door of the hearts of the visitors who worship at these locations.

Before the prayers began, dozens of beggars sitting lined the sidewalks on main roads leading into the square. After the prayer ended, the beggars are more aggressive action, by standing around the streets, and some were walking around while carrying her child.

One beggar called himself Seblon claimed, had come to this site since dawn. Middle-aged woman was admitted from Klaten Ndeles be 'hung' around the North Square Yogya until tomorrow afternoon.

"Every Eid I'm always here. Usually can Rp30 thousand, or Rp 35 thousand per day," he said as he held up a plastic cup for alms on Tuesday (30 / 8).

While Anik, from Navan claimed only two years of begging in the North Square of this Yogya. He admitted that he would go home later afternoon.

"I was not told to just anyone, so just to look for a bite of rice, an important kosher. I hope that gives me given the abundant sustenance," he said.


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