Pro Penetapan: Belanda Saja Menghargai Sultan

RUUK DIY belum juga rampung. Padahal jabatan Gubernur DIY paripurna 9 Oktober mendatang

VIVAnews - Rancangan Undang-Undang Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dipastikan tidak akan selesai pada tahun 2011 ini, padahal jabatan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur DIY akan selesai pada 9 Oktober mendatang.

Ketidakberhasilan DPR menyelesaikan RUUK DIY yang sudah dibahas sejak DPR periode 2004-2009 ini dinilai sebagai bentuk ketidakmampuan kerja dari para wakil rakyat yang ada di Senayan.

Ketua Paguyuban Dukuh Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Sulistyo Admojo menyatakan dalam RUUK DIY ada tiga pilar yang harus diperhatikan yaitu, rakyat, adat dan pemerintah. Unsur pertama yaitu rakyat sudah jelas menginginkan penetapan, unsur kekdua yaitu adat dalam hal ini keraton sejak dulu juga menginginkan penetapan dan saat ini tinggal unsur ke tiga yaitu pemerintah.

“Artinya kalau DPR tidak bisa kerja, maka pemerintah bodoh,” kata Sulistyo Admojo, Ketua Paguyuban Dukuh (PANDU) Kabupaten Bantul, DIY, Senin, 22 Agustus 2001

Menurut Sulis jika Kasultanan Yogyakarta orientasinya kekuasaan maka sudah sejak dahulu sebelum merdeka, Sultan memimpin Jawa dan itu tawaran dari Belanda. Namun demikian Sultan tidak bersedia merendahkan kerajaan-kerajaan lain pada waktu itu sehingga Sultan IX dan PA VIII menyatakan bergabung dengan NKRI.

“Kalau dahulu sesama kerajaan tidak merasa saling direndahkan, namun saat ini ketika mereka berkuasa justru merendahkan orang lain,” tandasnya

Lebih lanjut Sulis menyatakan jika dahulu Belanda menghargai keberadaan Sultan dan Paku Alam, namun saat ini justru pemerintahan sendiri yang tidak menghargai keberadaan Keraton Yogyakarta. “Saat ini justru pemerintah tidak menghargai keberadaan Sultan, berbeda saat Belanda dulu,”paparnya

Bagi PANDU sendiri kata Sulis tidak akan berpikir ketika masa jabatan sultan sebagai gubernur selesai pasalnya PANDU untuk memperjuangkan penetapan akan berjuang disegala lini. “Kita tidak terlalu pusing masalah perpajangan jabatan gubernur,”tegasnya

Sulis menambahkan bersamaan dengan peringatan Maklumat 5 September yaitu bergabungnya Keraton Yogyakarta ke NKRI, maka akan dilakukan berbagai kegiatan yang mendukung penetapan. “Nanti bisa saja dalam bentuk pisowanan agung,”pungkasnya.
(Laporan: Juna Sanbawa| DIY)

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DIY RUUK not been completed. Though the post of Governor of DIY upcoming plenary October 9

Pro Determination: Dutch Appreciate Sultan

Vivanews - Bill Privileges Yogyakarta certainly will not be completed in 2011, when the post of Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY will be completed on 9 October.

The lack of complete success RUUK DIY House which has been discussed since the House of Representatives 2004-2009 period is considered as a form of work incapacity of the representatives of the people in Senayan.

Chairman of the Society Hamlet Bantul, Yogyakarta, Sulistyo Admojo expressed in DIY RUUK there are three pillars that must be considered ie, the people, customs and government. The first element is clear that people wanted the stipulation, kekdua element that is customary in this palace has always also wanted the setting and currently living elements into three, namely the government.

"It means that if the House can not work, then the government stupid," said Sulistyo Admojo, Chairman of the Society Hamlet (PANDU) Bantul, Yogyakarta, Monday, August 22, 2001

According to the Yogyakarta Sultanate Sulis if the orientation of power then it has been since before independence, the Sultan of Java and was leading the bid from the Netherlands. However, the Sultan is not willing to humble other kingdoms at that time so the Sultan PA IX and VIII states joined the Homeland.

"If a fellow first the kingdom did not feel demeaned each other, but now when they come to power even demeaning of others," he said

Further stated if the former Dutch Sulis appreciate the presence of the Sultan and Paku Alam, but this time instead of self-government that does not appreciate the presence of Sultan Palace. "Currently the government just does not appreciate the presence of the Sultan, is different when the Dutch first," he explained

For PANDU own words Sulis would not think when the term of office of the sultan as governor to fight for the finished article PANDU determination will be fighting in all fronts. "We're not too dizzy problem of extension of the office of governor," he asserted

Sulis added simultaneously with the warning Promulgation of 5 September ie joining the Sultan Palace to the Homeland, it will be a variety of activities that support the determination. "Later could be in the form pisowanan great," he concluded.


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