Diamankan, Pelaku Perusakan SMAN Sewon

Liputan6.com, Bantul: Polisi mengamankan dua siswa di Bantul, Yogyakarta, yang nyaris dihakimi sejumlah siswa sekolah menengah atas (SMA) Negeri Sewon di Jalan Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Senin (19/9). Sebelumnya, kedua siswa itu bersama teman-temannya melempari gedung sekolah itu.

Polisi sempat kewalahan mengevakuasi kedua pelaku perusakan, karena puluhan siswa SMA Negeri Sewon terus memburunya. Para siswa itu ingin membalas aksi brutal kedua siswa yang melempari sekolahnya, tanpa alasan yang jelas. Polisi berhasil mengevakuasi kedua pelaku ke Markas Polres Bantul.

Aksi perusakan itu terjadi saat jam pulang sekolah. Sebanyak 14 orang berboncengan di tujuh sepeda motor datang dan melempari sekolah, hingga membuat genting dan lampu-lampu sekolah pecah. Papan nama sekolah juga dicoret-coret dengan cat semprot.(SHA)

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Secured, Actors Destruction SMA Sewon

Liputan6.com, Bantul: Police secure the two students in Bantul, Yogyakarta, which was almost judged a number of high school students (High School) State Street Parangtritis Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta, on Monday (19 / 9). Previously, both the student and his friends threw the school building.

Police had evacuated the two actors destruction overwhelmed, because dozens of high school students continue to hunt Sewon Affairs. The students wanted to reply to the second brutal actions of students who pelted school, for no apparent reason. Police managed to evacuate the two players to the Bantul district police headquarters.

Acts of vandalism that occurred during school hours. A total of 14 people rode motorcycles in the seventh came and threw stones at the school, to make roof tiles and broken lights of the school. Also crossed out the name of the school board-graffiti with spray paint.


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