Harga Kebutuhan Pokok Bertahan Tinggi

YOGYAKARTA--MICOM: Harga sejumlah bahan kebutuhan pokok di pasar tradisional Kota Yogyakarta memasuki pekan kedua September cukup stabil, namun bertahan pada harga yang masih tinggi.

"Telur ayam masih cukup mahal meskipun tetap stabil dibanding pekan lalu dan selama Lebaran," kata salah seorang pedagang bahan kebutuhan pokok di Pasar Beringharjo Yogyakarta Heni Purwanti di Yogyakarta, Senin (12/9). Ia mengatakan, harga jual telur ayam ras masih bertahan pada kisaran harga Rp14.000 per kilogram (kg), meskipun pasokan dari distributor lancar dan mencukupi.

Sementara itu, bahan kebutuhan pokok lain seperti beras IR I dijual dengan harga Rp7.500 per kg dan beras IR II dijual dengan kisaran harga Rp7.100 per kg. Komoditas gula pasir lokal kini dijual dengan harga Rp9.700 per kg, dan minyak goreng curah sawit dijual dengan harga Rp9.600 per kg. "Apabila dibanding sebelum Lebaran, harga gula dan minyak goreng justru naik sekitar Rp200 hingga Rp300 per kg," katanya.
Sementara itu, berdasarkan pemantauan dari Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan Koperasi dan Pertanian (Disperindagkoptan) Kota Yogyakarta, sejumlah harga bahan kebutuhan pokok bertahan tinggi.

Berbagai jenis beras, seperti IR 64 dan C4 dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp7.780 per kg, dengan harga jual terendah Rp7.000 per kg dan harga jual tertinggi Rp8.500 per kg.

Beras jenis IR I dan IR II dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp7.360 per kg dan Rp7.100 per kg. Harga jual tertinggi untuk IR I adalah Rp8.000 per kg, sedang IR II adalah Rp7.500 per kg.

Sementara itu, beras kualitas premium, yaitu Mentik Wangi kualitas 2 dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp7.425 per kg, dengan harga terendah Rp7.000 per kg dan harga jual tertinggi 8.000 per kg, sedang Mentik Wangi kualitas 1 dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp7.960 per kg, dengan harga jual terendah Rp7.400 per kg dan harga jual tertinggi Rp8.500 per kg.

Telur ayam ras dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp14.200 per kg dengan harga jual terendah Rp14.000 per kg dan harga jual tertinggi Rp14.500 per kg, sedang telur ayam kampung dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp1.240 per butir.

Berbagai jenis gula pasir, yaitu gula pasir impor dijual dengan harga Rp10.000 per kg, gula pasir lokal dijual dengan harga Rp9.700 per kg, sedang gula pasir Madukismo dijual dengan harga Rp9.760 per kg.

Minyak goreng curah dijual dengan harga rata-rata Rp9.600 per kg, dan minyak goreng kemasan dijual dengan harga Rp13.600 per liter. Sementara itu, berbagai jenis tepung terigu, yaitu Cakra dijual dengan harga Rp7.300 per kg, Semar Rp5.900 per kg, dan Segitiga Biru dijual dengan harga Rp6.940 per kg.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Bidang Perdagangan Disperindagkoptan Kota Yogyakarta Sugeng Darmanto memperkirakan, harga bahan kebutuhan pokok akan kembali normal dalam waktu satu bulan setelah Lebaran. (Ant/sa/X-12)

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Surviving High Price Necessity

YOGYAKARTA - MICOM: Price a staple in the traditional markets of Yogyakarta entered the second week of September is quite stable, but still persist at high prices.

"Chicken eggs are still quite expensive although it remained stable compared to last week and during Idul Fitri," said one trader of basic commodities in the market Beringharjo Heni Purwanti Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta, on Monday (12 / 9). He said the price of eggs remained in the range of Rp14.000 price per kilogram (kg), although the supply of current distributors and sufficient.

Meanwhile, other basic needs such as rice IR I sold Rp7.500 per kg and rice IR II sold at a price range Rp7.100 per kg. Commodities local sugar is now sold at Rp9.700 per kg, and oil bulk cooking oil sold at Rp9.600 per kg. "When compared with before Lebaran, sugar and cooking oil prices rose by around Rp200 to Rp300 per kg," he said.

Meanwhile, based on monitoring of the Department of Industry Trade and Agricultural Cooperatives (Disperindagkoptan) of Yogyakarta, a number of prices of basic commodities remain high.

Various types of rice such as IR 64 and C4 is sold at an average price Rp7.780 per kg, the lowest selling price Rp7.000 per kg and the highest selling price Rp8.500 per kg.

Rice type of IR I and IR II sold at an average price per kg and Rp7.100 Rp7.360 per kg. The highest selling price for the IR I is Rp8.000 per kg, while the IR II is Rp7.500 per kg.

Meanwhile, premium quality rice, which is Mentik Fragrant quality 2 sold at an average price Rp7.425 per kg, the lowest price Rp7.000 per kg and the highest selling price of 8,000 per kg, while Mentik Fragrant quality sold at a flat- average Rp7.960 per kg, the lowest selling price Rp7.400 per kg and the highest selling price Rp8.500 per kg.

Eggs sold at an average price of Rp14.200 per kg with the lowest selling price Rp14.000 per kg and the highest selling price Rp14.500 per kg, chicken eggs are sold at an average price Rp1.240 per item.

Various types of sugar, ie sugar imports sold at Rp 10,000 per kg, local sugar sold at Rp9.700 per kg, sugar was sold at a price Madukismo Rp9.760 per kg.

Bulk cooking oil sold at an average price Rp9.600 per kg, cooking oil and packaging sold at Rp13.600 per liter. Meanwhile, various types of flour, which is sold at Chakra Rp7.300 per kg, Semar Rp5.900 per kg, and the Blue Triangle sold Rp6.940 per kg.

Previously, Head of Trade Disperindagkoptan Yogyakarta Sugeng Darmanto estimates, prices of basic commodities will be back to normal within one month after Lebaran.


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