KPU Kota Yogya Tayangkan Quick Count

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA - Guna mengetahui hasil perolehan suara sementara saat proses pemungutan suara Minggu (24/9/2011) dilaksanakan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) akan melakukan quick count maksimal 70 persen suara. Namun hasil itu belum menjadi patokan siapa pasangan yang memenangkan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Yogyakarta 2011.

Divisi Sosialisasi dan Humas Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kota Yogyakarta, Titok Haryanto mengatakan KPU sore hari diperkirakan hasil penghitungan suara akan masuk ke KPU dari Panitia Pemungutan Suara (PPS) di kecamatan. Untuk quick count KPU akan menggunakan maskimal suara masuk sebanyak 70 persen dari total suara.

“Begitu 70 persen suara masuk akan kami hentikan sementara untuk penghitungan quick count. Atau menggunakan jam. Kalau sebelum jam Sembilan malam suara sudah masuk 70 persen kita hentikan proses quick countnya,” jelas Titok di kantor KPU Jalan Magelang, Sabtu (24/9).

Titok mengatakan seandainya jam hingga pukul 21.00 WIB hasil perhitungan suara yang masuk ke KPU belum mencapai 70 persen, penghitungan cepat akan dihentikan untuk mengetahui hasil sementara. “Jadi acuannya ada dua menggunakan maksimal 70 persen suara masuk atau menggunakan jam 21.00 WIB itu,” jelasnya.(*)

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KPU Publish Quick Count Yogya City

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA - In order to know the results of the vote while during the voting process on Sunday (09/24/2011) implemented the General Elections Commission (KPU) will conduct a quick count up to 70 percent of the vote. But the result was not indicative of who the couple who won the Regional Head Election (Election) Yogyakarta 2011.

Socialization and Public Relations Division of the General Elections Commission (KPU) of Yogyakarta, Titok Haryanto said the KPU is expected afternoon vote count will go to the Election Commission of the Voting Committee (PPS) in the district. For quick count Commission will use the incoming sound maskimal 70 percent of the total vote.

"So 70 percent of the vote will get us pause for a quick count tally. Or use the clock. Nine nights before the hour when the sound was cut into 70 percent of our countnya quick process, "explains Titok at Jalan Magelang Election Commission office on Saturday (24 / 9).

Titok said that if the hours until 21.00 pm the calculation of the incoming sound to the Election Commission has not reached 70 percent, a quick calculation will be stopped for a while know the results. "So the reference there are two uses of up to 70 percent of the vote into or use at 21:00 pm," he explained.


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