Pemuda Tewas Ditikam di Malioboro

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA - Aksi penusukan hingga menyebabkan korban meninggal terjadi di Jalan Malioboro Yogyakarta, Jumat (30/9), sekitar pukul 02.30 WIB. Korban tewas ditusuk dibagian dada oleh seseorang menggunakan senjata tajam.

Kapolresta Yogyakarta, Kombes Pol Mustaqim mengatakan, aksi itu murni tindak kriminal tak ada hubungannya dengan aksi yang terjadi di jalan Laksda Adi Sucipto.

"Itu murni tindak kriminal, kami sudah mengantongi nama pelaku penusukan, semoga segera tertangkap,"katanya di Mapolda DIY.

Menurut dia, korban tewas atas nama Tri Untoro (29) warga Yogyakarta. Sebelum kejadian, dia diketahui sempat bertengkar hebat dengan seseorang, sesaat setelah itu saksi yang mengetahui tiba-tiba melihat korban tersungkur.

"Dia tewas ditempat usai ditikam oleh pelaku,"katanya. (*)

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Stabbed Youth Killed in Malioboro

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA - Action stabbing to have caused the deaths occurred in Jalan Malioboro Yogyakarta, Friday (30 / 9), at around 2:30 pm. The death toll was stabbed in the chest by someone using a sharp weapon.

Yogyakarta police chief, Comr Mustaqim said the action was purely a crime unrelated to the action happens on the road Laksda Adi Sucipto.

"It was purely a crime, we have pocketed the name of the perpetrator stabbing, may be caught," he said at Police Headquarters DIY.

According to him, the victim was killed in the name of Tri Untoro (29) citizens of Yogyakarta. Before the incident, he was known had a big fight with someone, shortly after a witness who knew all of a sudden saw the victim collapsed.

"He died after being stabbed by the actors in place," he said.


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