Situs Candi Ditemukan di Yogyakarta

Ada empat bangunan candi. Candi bercorak Budha.

VIVAnews -- Sebuah situs candi kembalikan ditemukan di Dusun Palgading, Sinduharjo, Kecamatan Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Lokasinya, tak jauh dari situs Kimpulan Hindu di komplek Universitas Islam Indonesia. Candi yang ditemukan ini bercorak Budha.

"Temuan itu terdapat empat candi baru yang bentuk dan denahnya berbeda-beda semua. Namun yang satu belum jelas, karena masih dalam proses," kata Kepala Kelompok Kerja Pemugaran Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala (BP3) Yogya, Wahyu Astuti, kepada, Jumat 23 September 2011.

Menurut Ketua tim ekskavasi situs Palgading di komplek UII ini, dari keempat candi yang ditemukan, baru tiga bangunan yang sudah diketahui luasnya. Bangunan candi yang letaknya paling selatan seluas 13,23x17 meter, candi yang berada di tengah luasnya 8,6 meter, dan candi di sisi utara seluas 8,85x8,85 meter. "Untuk candi paling utara masih dalam proses, jadi belum diketahui luasnya," kata Wahyu Astuti.

Tak hanya bangunan candi, dari situs tersebut juga ditemukan arca Awalokiteshwara yang merupakan simbol Budhisatwa dalam penyembahan Budha. Selain itu, juga ditemukan fragmen gerabah, namun bentuknya sudah tidak utuh lagi. Pada candi yang terletak di sisi utara juga terdapat stupa berukuran besar, sedangkan prasasti dalam candi masih belum berhasil ditemukan.

"Hingga akhir september ini masih kami lakukan ekskavasi sembari lakukan studi lapangan," ujarnya.

Menurut Astuti, situs Palgading itu sudah ada sejak abad IX hingga X atau pada masa kejayaan agama Hindu dan Budha. Berdasarkan catatan Belanda, pada 1925 ditemukan stupa dalam candi, namun letaknya belum diketahui. "Kalau stupa yang ditemukan di palgading ini jelas berbeda dengan catatan Belanda. Stupa ini sangat besar," imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, situs Palgading ditemukan pada tahun 2006 dan proses ekskavasi dilanjutkan pada tahun 2011. Hingga sekarang ditemukan 4 candi yang terletak berjajar dari selatan keu tara. Arca Awalokiteswara ditemukan dicandi paling selatan dan stupa ukuran besar pada candi sisi utara atau candi ketiga. Sedangkan pada bagian timur candi, terdapat batu-batu gundul.

"Zaman dulu, Hindu dan Budha berdekatan, menjadi bukti pada masa itu sudah ada sinkretisme agama. Kalau zaman sekarang istilahnya kerukunan antar umat beragama," terangnya.

Laporan: Erick Tanjung l Yogyakarta, umi

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Temple Site Discovered in Yogyakarta

There are four buildings of the temple. Buddhist-style temple.
Vivanews - A temple site was found in the Hamlet return Palgading, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik District, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Its location, not far from the site in the complex Hindu Kimpulan Islamic University of Indonesia. These patterned temples discovered Buddhism.

"The finding that there are four new temples that form and all the different schematics. But that one is not clear, because it is still in the process," said Chief Hall Refurbishment Working Group on Preservation of Archaeological Heritage (BP3) Yogya, Revelation Astuti, to, Friday, September 23, 2011.

According to the Chairman of the excavation team at the complex UII Palgading sites, from the four temples that are found, only three buildings known extent. The building of the temple which is located at the southern area of ​​13.23 x17 meters, the temple is located in the middle breadth of 8.6 meters, and the temple on the north side area of ​​8.85 x8, 85 yards. "For the most northerly temple is still in the process, so it is not known the extent of," said Rev. Astuti.

Not only the buildings of the temple, the site also found statues that symbolized Budhisatwa Awalokiteshwara in Buddhist worship. Moreover, it also found fragments of pottery, but the shape is no longer intact. At the temple, located on the north side there is also a large stupa, while the inscription in the temple still has not been found.

"Until the end of September we are still doing the excavation while doing field studies," he said.

According Astuti, Palgading site had been there since the ninth century until the X or in the heyday of Hinduism and Buddhism. Based on the record the Netherlands, in 1925 found the stupa in the temple, but its location is unknown. "If stupas found in palgading is clearly different from the Dutch records. Stupa is huge," he added.

Meanwhile, Palgading site was found in 2006 and continued the excavation process in 2011. Until now found 4 temples situated tara keu lined up from the south. Awalokiteswara statues found at the south and the stupa dicandi large size on the north side of the temple or the third temple. While in the eastern part of the temple, there are bare rocks.

"In the past, Hinduism and Buddhism are close together, the evidence at that time had no religious syncretism. If today the term inter-religious harmony," he explained.


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