Ekspor DIY Anjlok Akibat Krisis Ekonomi

GUNUNGKIDUL (KRjogja.com) - Bank Indonesia (BI) Yogyakarta mencatat tingkat ekspor DIY anjlok pasca krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di sejumlah negara negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat. Sektor yang paling terpukul akibat situasi global tersebut adalah ekspor manufaktur pakaian dan perabot rumah tangga.

Ekonomi Muda dan Peneliti Senior BI Yogyakarta, Fadhil Nugroho, mengatakan, komoditas ekspor DIY sebagian besar didominasi trade chanel atau perdagangan. Ironisnya, berbagai produk yang diperdagangkan tersebut sebagian besar terserap di negara-negara yang kini tengah dihantam krisis ekonomi.

"Sebesar 42 hingga 45 persen produk ekspor di DIY selama ini terserap ke Pasar Amerika. Sementara 30 hingga 33 persen masuk ke Pasar Eropa," katanya saat workshop ekonomi dan perbankan di Pantai Indrayanti, Gunungkidul, Minggu (30/10).

Menurut Fadhil, ekspor DIY selama ini mengandalkan 21 produk unggulan. Dari 21 produk tersebut enam diantaranya berkapasitas besar. Dalam dua tahun terakhir, keseluruh produk unggulan tersebut mengalami kesulitan produksi karena sepinya order. Bahkan beberapa diantaranya terancam bangkrut.

"Pukulan paling nyata untuk jenis perabot rumah tangga. 2010 lalu, penurunan mencapai 50 persen. Bahkan di 2011 ini paling baru bisa mencapai angka 16 persen," ungkapnya.

Kondisi yang memprihatinkan ini jelas berdampak langsung bagi tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat. Karena, banyak perusahaan yang terancam gulung tikar. Terhadap persoalan ini, BI sudah berupaya mengantisipasi dengan mengeluarkan BI rate sebesar 6.5 persen. Harapannya, perusahaan tetap bisa produksi dan mencari pasar baru.

"Walaupun pada kenyataannya perbankan masih sulit menurunkan bunga kredit dengan alasan tingkat resiko kemacetan yang masih tinggi," urainya.

Kondisi yang cukup mengkhawatirkan dari situasi tersebut, kata dia,bertambahnya jumlah pengangguran. DIY sekarang ini tercatat memiliki angka pengangguran yang sangat tinggi yakni mencapai 123 ribu orang. " Secara statistik meski angka pengangguran tinggi tapi pertumbuhan ekonomi DIY cukup bagus," ungkapnya.

Catatan yang bertolak-belakang tersebut lebih disebabkan ketidakmerataan ekonomi. Dari lima kabupaten dan kota di DIY, pangsa ekonomi sebesar 50 persen lebih didominasi Kota Yogyakarta dan Sleman. Sedangkan tiga kabupaten lain, terlebih Kulonprogoro pergerakan ekonominya sangat lemah.

Pemimpin BI Yogyakarta, Dewi Setyowati mengutarakan, krisis global tidak selalu berdampak positif. Karena di sisi lain banyak dana investasi dari luar negeri masuk ke Yogyakarta. Tercatat, dana pihak ke 3 yang masuk ke DIY melalui sektor perbankan mencapai Rp27,6 triliun. Dimana 17 triliun telah dikucurkan ke masyarakat melalui kredit.

"Ke depan seluruh elemen wajib mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi ini. BI sendiri bersama seluruh dinas terkait tengah membuat video potensi ekonomi yang bisa dipromosikan ke pihak luar," pungkasnya. (Fir)

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Export Due To Economic Crisis DIY Sales Drop

Gunungkidul (KRjogja.com) - Bank Indonesia (BI) Yogyakarta DIY record level of exports fell after the economic crisis that occurred in several European countries and the United States. The sectors hardest hit by the global situation is the manufacturing exports of clothing and home furnishings.

Young and Senior Economic Researcher BI Yogyakarta, Fadhil Nugroho, said commodity exports DIY largely dominated trade or commerce channels. Ironically, many products traded are largely absorbed in these countries are now being hit by the economic crisis.

"As much as 42 to 45 percent of export products in DIY been absorbed into the American market. While 30 to 33 percent entered the European market," he said during a workshop on economic and banking Indrayanti Beach, Gunungkidul, Sunday (30/10).

According to Fadhil, it relies on exports for 21 DIY superior product. Of the 21 products that include six large capacity. In the past two years, the flagship product throughout the production difficulties due to quiet the order. Even some of which are threatened with bankruptcy.

"The most obvious blow to the type of home furnishings. 2010, the decline reached 50 percent. Even the most recent in 2011 this figure could reach 16 percent," he said.

These appalling conditions obviously have a direct impact for the public welfare. Because, many companies are threatened with bankruptcy. Against this problem, the central bank has attempted to anticipate the release of the BI rate by 6.5 percent. The hope, the company continues to be the production and find new markets.

"Though the fact that banks are still difficult to lower the mortgage interest by reason of the congestion level of risk is still high," he explained.

Conditions of the situation is quite alarming, he said, increasing the number of unemployed. DIY now noted to have very high unemployment rate which reached 123 thousand people. "Statistically, despite the high unemployment rate of economic growth but DIY is pretty good," he said.

Note that contrary is more due to economic inequality. Of the five counties and cities in DIY, a 50 percent share of the economy dominated the city of Yogyakarta and Sleman. While the three other districts, especially Kulonprogoro movement is very weak economy.

BI leader Yogyakarta, Goddess Setyowati express, global crisis does not always have a positive impact. Because on the other hand many investment funds from abroad go to Yogyakarta. Noted, to a third party funds that go to the DIY through the banking sector reach Rp27, 6 trillion. Where 17 trillion has been disbursed to the community through credit.

"In the future all the elements required to promote economic growth. BI itself along with all related agencies are making videos of economic potential that can be promoted to outside parties," she concluded.


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