Jelang 'Royal Wedding' Hotel di Yogya Laris

Acara masih sepekan lagi, tapi 90% kamar hotel berbintang di Malioboro telah direservasi.

VIVAnews -- Pernikahan putri bungsu Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana X, GKRj Wijareni atau yang lebih dikenal dengan jeng Reni dengan KPH Yuda Negara atau Achmad Ubaidillah, baru akan digelar satu pekan lagi, tanggal 16 Oktober hingga 19 Oktober mendatang.

Namun, dampaknya sudah mulai kelihatan. Salah satunya, terhadap peningkatan jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke Yogyakarta. Parameternya, dari tingkat hunian hotel pada hari pelaksanaan sudah mencapai 90 persen.

"Menjelang satu pekan pelaksanaan royal wedding ini hampir 90 persen hotel bintang khususnya bintang 3 hingga 5, telah di-booking oleh tamu. Khususnya hotel bintang yang berada di kawasan Malioboro yang tak jauh lokasinya dengan Keraton Yogyakarta," kata Deddy Pranowo Eryono, Ketua Badan Promosi dan Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta, Senin 10 Oktober 2011.

Hotel berbintang khususnya bintang 3 hingga bintang 5 kebanyakan dipesan tamu undangan dari Sri Sultan HB X. "Ya memang terbanyak adalah tamu undangan dari pihak Keraton Yogyakarta yang memesan hotel bintang di kawasan Malioboro," papar Deddy.

Pesta Karnaval

Selain itu, ada juga wisatawan yang sengaja datang tidak hanya untuk melihat 'royal wedding,' namun juga menyaksikan Jogja Java Carnival. Namun mereka tak banyak yang memesan hotel bintang 3 hingga bintang 5.

"Untuk wisatawan yang melihat Jogja Java Carnival lebih banyak menggunakan hotel bintang 2 ke bawah atau menginap di hotel melati," tambah dia.

Deddy berharap, dengan semakin dekatnya hari pernikahan putri Keraton Yogyakarta ini, para pengusaha perhotelan yang berada di luar kawasan Malioboro juga mendapatkan limpahan tamu yang kehabisan kamar hotel yang ada di jantung Kota Yogyakarta.

"Yang jelas para tamu pernikahan puteri Sultan lebih banyak di kawasan Malioboro karena hajatan pernikahan akan berlangsung di Keraton dan Bangsal Kepatihan, Pemprov DIY," kata Deddy. (ren)

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Coming to 'Royal Wedding' Hotel in Yogyakarta Best Selling

The event is still a week to go, but 90% five-star hotel in Malioboro has direservasi.

VIVAnews - Wedding youngest daughter of Sri Sultan Buwana X, GKRj Wijareni or better known as Reni jeng with KPH Yuda State or Achmad Ubaidillah, will be held a week longer, on 16 October to 19 October.

However, the impact is already visible. One of them, to increase the number of tourists who come to Yogyakarta. Parameters, the hotel occupancy rate on the day of execution has reached 90 percent.

"Towards the implementation of the royal wedding of the week is almost 90 percent, especially star hotel 3 star to 5, has been booked by guests. Particularly star hotel located in Malioboro area not far location with the Sultan Palace," said Deddy Pranowo Eryono, Chairman of the Board promotion and Tourism, Yogyakarta City, Monday, October 10, 2011.

Star-star hotel in particular 3 to 5 star most of the guests ordered from Sri Sultan HB X "Yes indeed most were invited guests of the party who ordered the Sultan Palace hotel in Malioboro area," said Deddy.

Carnival party

In addition, there are also tourists who had come not only to see the 'royal wedding,' but also witnessed Jogja Java Carnival. But not many are ordering their 3 star hotel to 5 star.

"For tourists who see the Java Yogyakarta Carnival more use 2 star hotels down or stay at the hotel jasmine," he added.

Deddy expect, the closer the wedding day is the daughter of Sultan Palace, the hotelier who are outside the area of ​​Malioboro also get guests who run out of an abundance of hotel rooms in the heart of the city of Yogyakarta.

"What is clear is the daughter of the Sultan of the wedding guests more in the Malioboro area because of the wedding celebration will take place at the palace and Kepatihan Ward, Provincial Government of DIY," said Deddy.


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