Ledakan ATM BRI, Tiga Saksi Diperiksa

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Kepolisian Negara RI saat ini sudah memeriksa tiga saksi terkait ledakan bom molotov di Anjungan Tunai Mandiri BRI Jalan Affandi, Gejayan, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Kabupaten Sleman.

"Ada tiga orang saksi yang sedang dimintai keterangan di Polsek Depok Barat, Sleman dengan inisial DH, FH dan TC," kata Kepala Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat (Kadiv Humas) Polri, Irjen Pol Anton Bachrul Alam di Jakarta, Jumat (7/10).

Selain itu, polisi juga telah mengamankan satu orang yang dicurigai terkait dengan ledakan bom molotov tersebut, ujarnya.

"Lokasi tempat kejadian sudah diamankan polisi, mesin ATM Milik BRI di Jl Gejayan dekat 'Mini Market' (toko swalayan) VIKITA, Sleman masih dalam keadaan utuh, uangnya masih tersimpan dengan baik dalam mesin ATM," kata Anton.

Kerusakan akibat terbakar hanya terjadi di bagian luar mesin, ucapnya.

Sementara itu Kapolres Sleman, AKBP Irwan Ramani, menyatakan pihaknya telah mengamankan seseorang yang dicurigai mengetahui kasus itu. Pelaku kemungkinan lebih dari satu orang. Namun, belum ada tersangka.

Polisi di tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) menemukan dan mencium bau minyak tanah.

Ada bau minyak tanah di TKP. Untuk mengetahui penyebab pasti di ATM it, maka kami sedang mengolah TKP," ujar AKBP Irwan Ramani.

Menurut dia, Polres Sleman kini telah mengundang Pusat Laboratorium Forensik untuk membantu mengolah TKP.

Lokasi tempat kejadian perkara kini telah diberi garis batas polisi atau "police line" dan aparat Polsek Depok Barat, Sleman menjaga lokasi itu. Beberapa barang bukti sudah diamankan polisi.

Saksi mata mengatakan saat ATM dilempar molotov kondisi arus lalu lintas sekitar Jalan Affandi masih ramai. Meski banyak toko sudah tutup, beberapa toko swalayan 24 jam masih buka.

Beberapa barang bukti yang mencurigakan seperti tas dan selebaran di depan ATM saat ini sudah diamankan aparat kepolisian. Selebaran bertuliskan "Negara Korporasi, Polisi-Militer adalah Teroris Sebenarnya. Pemberontakan Sosial Akan Terus Berlanjut Karena Mentari Masih Bersinar". (ANT/MEL)

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BRI ATM explosion, the Three Witnesses Examined

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: RI State Police is currently examining three witnesses related explosions Molotov cocktails at Automated Teller Road BRI Affandi, Gejayan, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Sleman regency.

"There were three witnesses who were questioned at the police West Depok, Sleman with the initials DH, FH, and TC," said Head of Public Relations Division (Head of Public Relations) Police, Inspector General of Police Anton Bachrul Alam in Jakarta, Friday (7 / 10).

In addition, police also have secured a person suspected of links with the explosive Molotov cocktails, he said.

"The location of the police secured the scene, the ATM machines owned BRI on Jl Gejayan near 'Mini Market' (department store) VIKITA, Sleman is still in one piece, the money was stored with either the ATM machine," said Anton.

Damage caused by burning only occurs on the outside of the machine, he said.

Meanwhile, police chief of Sleman, Irwan AKBP Ramani, said it had secured a person suspected of knowing the case. Perpetrators may be more than one person. However, there are no suspects.

Police at the scene (the scene) to find and smell the kerosene.

There is a smell of kerosene at the scene. To know the exact cause of it at an ATM, then we are processing the crime scene, "said Ramani AKBP Irwan.

According to him, Sleman district police has now invited the Central Forensic Laboratory to help process the crime scene.

Location of the crime scene has now been given a police line or "police line" police officers and West Depok, Sleman maintain that location. Some evidence has been secured police.

Witnesses said when the ATM was thrown molotov traffic flow conditions around Jalan Affandi was still crowded. Although many stores were closed, some supermarkets are open 24 hours.

Some evidence of suspicious items such as bags and leaflets in front of the ATM is now secured the police. Leaflets that read "State Corporations, Police-Military is a Terrorist fact. Social Revolt Will Continue For Sun Still Shines


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