Petani Ikan Keluhkan Harga Jual Lele

GUNUNG KIDUL--MICOM: Para petani budi daya ikan lele di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, mengeluhkan harga jual ikan itu saat panen raya.

Ketua Kelompok Pebudi daya Ikan Sumber Mulyo, Dusun Playen II, Desa Playen, Kecamatan Playen, Dilam Diharjo, di Gunung Kidul, Jumat (7/10), mengatakan, petani lele sering kesulitan menanggung biaya operasional, seperti biaya pembelian bibit ikan lele.

"Harga jual ikan lele saat panen raya tidak sebanding dengan biaya operasional pembelian bibit," katanya.

Menurut dia, beban biaya operasional yang harus ditanggung pebudi daya ikan lele di Gunung Kidul adalah biaya angkut bibit lele yang didatangkan dari Kabupaten Muntilan, Jawa Tengah.

"Bibit ikan lele yang dibawa dari Muntilan sering mati karena jauhnya perjalanan ke Gunung Kidul," katanya.

Ia mengatakan mengenai lahan budi daya lele yang menggunakan terpal, pebudi daya setempat tidak pernah kesulitan.

"Kendala kami hanya dari sisi pengadaan bibit lele, dan harga jual hasil panen. Keuntungan yang kami peroleh saat panen raya belum maksimal," katanya.

Menurut dia, para pebudi daya ikan di Gunung Kidul kebanyakan hanya menjual lele dalam bentuk ikan segar, sehingga belum mampu meningkatkan harga jual ikan tersebut.

"Anggota kelompok kami belum mendapatkan pelatihan untuk mengolah ikan lele, seperti dijadikan abon lele untuk meningkatkan harga jual," katanya.

Menurut dia, Pemerintah Kabupaten Gunung Kidul selama ini membuat program lele lahan kering sistem terpal dan memfasilitasi pencairan dana untuk budi daya ikan lele, yang bersumber dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.

"Kelompok kami mendapatkan bantuan dana budi daya lele sebesar Rp50 juta. Kami akan terus mengembangkan budi daya lele agar anggota kami bisa mandiri," katanya. (Ant/Ol-3)

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Fish farmers complain Selling Price Lele

Gunung Kidul - MICOM: The catfish aquaculture farmers in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, complained that the selling price of fish at harvest.

Chairman of the Fish Resources Pebudi Mulyo, Playen Hamlet II, Playen Village, District Playen, Dilam Diharjo, in Gunung Kidul, Friday (7 / 10), said that catfish farmers often struggle to bear the operational costs, such as the cost of purchasing seedlings catfish.

"The selling price of catfish during the main harvest is not worth the operational cost of the purchase of seeds," he said.

According to him, the burden of operational costs to be borne pebudi catfish power in Gunung Kidul is the cost of transportation of seeds imported catfish from Muntilan regency, Central Java.

"Seeds catfish are taken from Muntilan often die because of travel away to the Gunung Kidul," he said.

He said the cultivation of land catfish using tarps, pebudi local power is never trouble.

"Our constraint is only from the side of catfish seedlings, and the selling price of crops. The advantage that we get during the main harvest is not maximized," he said.

According to him, the pebudi fish resources in Gunung Kidul mostly just sell catfish in the form of fresh fish, so it has not been able to increase the selling price of fish.

"Members of our group have not received training for catfish processing, such as shredded catfish used to increase the selling price," he said.

According to him, Gunung Kidul District Government has been making the program catfish dry land tarp systems and facilitate the disbursement of funds for the cultivation of catfish, which is sourced from the Department of Marine and Fisheries.

"Our group is getting financial assistance catfish cultivation of Rp50 million. We will continue to develop the cultivation of catfish that our members can be independent," he said.


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