Surono: Magma Merapi Sudah Terisi Lagi

Terisinya magma itu lebih cepat dari gunung-gunung api di Jepang.

VIVAnews - Setahun pasca erupsi pada akhir 2010 lalu, kini kantung magma dalam tubuh gunung Merapi sudah kembali terisi. Proses terisinya kembali kantung magma itu dinilai sangat cepat, lebih cepat dibandingkan pengisian magma sejumlah gunung api di Jepang.

"Magma di dalam Merapi saat ini sudah terisi kembali. Sangat cepat dibandingkan letusan di Jepang," kata Kepala Badan Vulkanologi Mitigasi Klimatologi dan Geologi (BVMKG), Surono, saat ditemui VIVAnews, usai mengisi workshop yang bertema Lesson learned from the 2010 merapi eruption di Hotel Phonic Yogyakarta, 1 November 2011.

Mbah Rono, sapaan Surono, menjelaskan bahwa setahun setelah letusan, dapur magma dalam tubuh Merapi sempat mengempis. "Kini Merapi sudah mulai mengelembung lagi. Artinya dapur magma yang ada dalam (tubuh Merapi) itu sudah mulai terisi lagi," ujarnya.

Menurut Mbah Rono, karakter gunung Merapi sekarang tidak sama kondisinya seperti erupsi tahun 2006 atau letusan-letusan Merapi sebelumnya. Saat itu, sebuah letusan diakhiri oleh pembentukan kubah.

"Sekarang foto satelit menunjukan tidak ada kubah yang signifikan. Kita tidak tahu persis apa yang terjadi pada Merapi 4 atau 6 tahun kedepan," tutur Surono. "Dalam sistem mitigasi akan kami pantau terus-menerus," lanjut ahli vulkanologi lulusan Université Joseph Furier, Gronable, Perancis ini.

Surono menambahkan bahwa ahli gunung api dari Jepang mengatakan ada suatu metoda untuk mengestimasi berapa jumlah magma yang ada dalam tubuh merapi. "Dia mengatakan bahwa sesudah erupsi Merapi tahun 2010 lalu tidak dilakukan estimasi seperti itu," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, sekarang pihaknya telah memasang 4 GPS untuk monitoring gunung merapi, 3 diatas (kawasan puncak merapi), 1 di Jogja atau dibawah. "Ke depan, Merapi akan dipantau lebih baik. Jumlah magmanya bisa terdeteksi dalam tubuh gunung Merapi itu. Bisa diketahui lebih awal," tandasnya.

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Surono: Merapi's Magma Filled Again

It filled the magma faster than volcanoes in Japan.

Vivanews - A year after the eruption in late 2010 and, now pockets of magma in the volcano's body is back filled. Terisinya process back pockets of magma was considered very fast, faster than the replenishment of magma several volcanoes in Japan.

"Magma in the Merapi is now replenished. Very fast compared to the eruption in Japan," said the head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Climatology (BVMKG), Surono, when found VIVAnews, after filling the workshop with the theme Lesson learned from the 2010 Merapi Eruption in PHONIC Hotel Yogyakarta, November 1, 2011.

Mbah Rono, greeting Surono, explaining that a year after the eruption, the magma chamber in the body of Merapi was deflated. "Now mengelembung Merapi has begun again. This means that there is in the magma chamber (body Merapi) that has begun to fill again," he said.

According Mbah Rono, the character of Mount Merapi is now not the same condition as the eruption in 2006 or earlier eruptions of Merapi. At that time, an eruption terminated by the formation of domes.

"Now that satellite photos showed no significant dome. We do not know exactly what happened at Merapi 4 or 6 years ahead," said Surono. "In our mitigation systems will monitor continuously," continued the expert volcanology graduate of the Université Joseph Furier, Gronable, France is.

Surono added that the volcano expert from Japan said that there is a method to estimate how the amount of magma within the body of Merapi. "He said that after the eruption of Merapi in 2010 and then did not do an estimate like that," he added.

In the meantime, now it has put up four GPS for monitoring Mount Merapi, 3 above (Merapi peak area), one in Jogja or below. "Looking ahead, Merapi will be monitored better. Number magmanya could be detected in the body's Mount Merapi. Could caught early," he said.


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