Kota Yogya Diguyur Hujan Es

YOGYAKARTA(SINDO) – Beberapa daerah di Kota Yogyakarta diguyur hujan es selama 10-15 menit,kemarin. Di sekitar Dipowinatan,Kecamatan Mergangsan,hujan es terjadi sekitar pukul 14.15 WIB (Jum'at, 25/2).

Sedangkan di sekitar Tamansari,Patehan, Kecamatan Keraton hujan es mulai mengguyur pukul 16.30 WIB.Suhu udara di daerah tersebut terasa sangat dingin. Danik, warga Dipowinatan RT 07/02 Mergangsan mengatakan, awalnya turun hujan kemudian disusul hujan es yang berlangsung sekitar 10-15 menit. “Saat hujan turun,warga biasabiasanya. Namun 15 menit kemudian, atap-atap rumah terdengar seperti dilempari kerikil dengan suara yang keras.

Ternyata suara keras itu adalah akibat hujan es. Butiran hujan es sebesar kuku jari kelingking atau kerikil kecil,” katanya, kemarin. Antonius Sasongko, 31,Warga Tamansari RT 36,RW 09 Kelurahan Patehan, Tamansari, Kecamatan Kraton menambahkan, saat hujan es terjadi juga disertai angin kencang. Dia bersama warga lainnya mengaku kaget dengan bunyi keras di atap-atap rumah mereka.

“Saya kaget kok di seng (atap) rumah saya ada bunyi klotak-klotak. Setelah saya keluar rumah,ternyata terjadi hujan es,”ujarnya. Staf Data dan Informasi Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Yogyakarta Agus Trianto mengatakan, hujan es terjadi karena awan-awan hujan atau culumus nimbus (Cb) berada pada puncak tertinggi atau titik frayen level.

Dia mengatakan, berdasarkan pantauan satelit di BMKG sekitar pukul 14.30 WIB,di atas wilayah Yogyakarta terbentuk awan Cb pada ketinggian 9-10 km dari permukaan tanah. Menurutnya,hujan es biasanya terjadi setelah dua hari sebelumnya suhu udara sangat panas. Penyebab lain hujan es yang terjadi dalam,radius 3 km itu karena suhu udara di atas laut selatan Jawa yang menghembuskan angin arah ke barat daya (Yogyakarta) juga cukup panas, sekitar 28-29 derajat celcius.“ Faktor-faktor itulah yang menyebabkan hujan es terjadi di Yogyakarta,” imbuhnya.

Longsor 1 Tewas

Hujan deras yang mengguyur Perbukitan Menoreh di Kulonprogo pada Kamis 24/2) malam menyebabkan musibah tanah longsor. Belasan rumah rusak dan seorang balita Muhammad Fahrul Rosyid,5 warga Nglambur, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, tewas tertimpa material tanah yang menjebol dinding rumahnya. Hujan deras mulai dirasakan warga sekitar pukul 21.00 WIB.Hujan disertai angin kencang ini,berlangsung sekitar tiga jam. Menjelang dinihari hujan dan angin sudah mulai mereda.

Menurut kakek korban, Suhardi,52, musibah ini terjadi sekitar pukul 02.30 WIB. “Sebenarnya saat longsor hujan sudah reda,” jelasnya. Data yang ada di kantor Kesbanglinmas, longsor juga terjadi di Dusun Keceme, Desa Gerbosari dan di Dusun Canden Desa Ngargosari, Samigaluh. Sementara itu di Kecamatan Girimulyo,setidaknya ada 16 titik longsoran.Sebanyak 14 di antaranya mengenai rumah warga.

Rumah milik Gunawan warga Desa Giripurwo, mengalami rusak parah. Istrinya juga harus dilarikan ke RSUD Wates.“Kita masih lakukan pendataan, karena laporan di masyarakat terus bertambah,” ungkap Sekretaris Kecamatan Girimulyo, Purwono. (ridwan anshori/kuntadi)

Yogya City Ice rain

YOGYAKARTA (SINDO) - Some areas in the city of Yogyakarta rain ice for 10-15 minutes, yesterday. Around Dipowinatan, District Mergangsan, hail occurred at around 14:15 pm.

Meanwhile, around the Castle, Patehan, District Palace hail began at 16.30 WIB.Suhu flushed the air in the area feels very cold. Danik, residents Dipowinatan RT 2.7 Mergangsan said, initially it rains followed hail which lasted about 10-15 minutes. "When it rains, residents biasabiasanya. But 15 minutes later, the roofs of houses sounds like a pebble thrown in a loud voice.

It turns out that loud noise is a result of hail. Pellets of hail pinkie finger nail or a small pebble, "he said, yesterday. Anthony Saso, 31, Castle Residents RT 36, RW 09 Kelurahan Patehan, Castle, District Sultan added, while hailstones occur also accompanied by strong winds. He and other residents admitted surprise with loud noise on the roofs of their homes.

"I am surprised why in zinc (roof) of my house there are sound-klotak klotak. After I left the house, it was raining ice, "he said. Staff Data and Information Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Yogyakarta Agus Trianto said, hail occurs because the rain clouds or culumus nimbus (Cb) is at the highest peak or frayen point level.

He said, based on satellite observations in BMKG around at 14.30 pm, on top of the Yogyakarta region Cb cloud formed at an altitude of 90-10 km from the surface. According to him, hail usually occurs after two previous days the air temperature is very hot. Other causes hail occurring within, a radius of 3 km was due to air temperature over the sea south of Java which direction the wind blowing to the southwest (Yogyakarta) is also quite hot, around 28-29 degrees Celsius. "The factors that cause hail occurred in Yogyakarta, "he added.

Avalanche kills one

Heavy rain which flushed in Kulonprogo Menoreh Hills on Thursday 24 / 2) evening caused a landslide disaster. Dozens of homes were damaged and a toddler Muhammad Fahrul Rosyid, 5 residents Nglambur, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, died crushed soil material that break down the walls of his house. Heavy rains began to be felt residents around 21:00 WIB.Hujan these winds, lasted about three hours. By dawn the rain and wind had begun to subside.

According to the victim's grandfather, Suhardi, 52, this tragedy occurred at around 2:30 pm. "Actually, when landslides rain has subsided," he explained. Existing data in the office Kesbanglinmas, landslides also occurred in Keceme Hamlet, Village and the Hamlet Canden Gerbosari Ngargosari Village, Samigaluh. Meanwhile, in District Girimulyo, there are at least 16 points longsoran.Sebanyak 14 of them on homes.

Gunawan's home village residents Giripurwo, was severely damaged. His wife also had to be rushed to hospitals Wates. "We still do data collection, due to report in the community continues to grow," said Secretary of District Girimulyo, Purwono.


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