RUU Keistimewaan DIY Terancam Molor, Yogyakarta: Penyelesaian Rancangan Undang-undang Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terancam molor dari target waktu yang ditetapkan, karena masih ada tarik ulur di DPR. "Yakni mekanisme pengisian jabatan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur DIY," kata Wakil Ketua Fraksi PDI Perjuangan DPRD DIY Esti Wijayati, di Yogyakarta, Ahad (27/2).

Menurut dia, penyelesaian RUU Keistimewaan DIY diperkirakan molor dari jadwal yang telah ditetapkan Oktober 2011, karena Dewan masih mencari masukan dari berbagai pihak. "Kami pesimistis tenggat waktu penyelesaian pembahasan RUUK DIY pada Oktober 2011 akan dapat dicapai, karena hingga kini DPR masih minta masukan dari berbagai pihak, meskipun hal yang sama sudah dilakukan bertahun-tahun yang lalu," katanya.

Namun demikian, pihaknya berharap tidak akan ada perpanjangan waktu lagi untuk menyelesaikan RUU tersebut menjadi undang-undang. Ia mengatakan, masukan dari setiap fraksi di DPRD DIY minus Fraksi Partai Demokrat sudah jelas dan mendukung mekanisme penetapan gubernur dan wakil gubernur DIY. Namun, masukan dari mayoritas fraksi di DPRD DIY itu tampaknya belum disetujui DPR.

"Masukan dari DPRD DIY sudah cukup, sekarang tinggal menunggu sikap dari fraksi-fraksi di DPR. Sikap mereka nanti seperti apa, karena sikap sebagian fraksi di DPR banyak yang berubah, belum jelas antara penetapan atau pemilihan, yang jelas baru tiga fraksi yang setuju penetapan termasuk PDI Perjuangan," katanya.(ADO/Ant)

DIY Privileges Bill Threatened Late, Yogyakarta: Settlement Plan Legal Privileges Yogyakarta threatened late the target date set, because there are tensile stretching in the House. "That is the mechanism of filling positions of Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY," said Vice Chairman of the PDIP faction DIY Estonian parliament Wijayati, in Yogyakarta, Sunday (27 / 2).

According to him, the draft resolution is expected molor DIY Privileges of the schedule that was set in October 2011, because the Board is seeking input from various parties. "We are pessimistic that the deadline of completion of discussion RUUK DIY in October 2011 will be achieved, because until now the House is requested input from various parties, although the same thing has been done many years ago," he said.

However, it hoped there would be no extension of time to finish the bill becomes law. He said the input from each faction in parliament DIY minus fraction is clearly the Democratic Party and support the establishment of mechanisms DIY governor and lieutenant governor. However, input from the majority faction in parliament DIY House seems to have not been approved.

"Input from DIY legislators had enough, now just waiting for the attitude of the faction-faction in parliament. Attitudes like what they will, because of the attitude of some faction in the House much has changed, yet clearly the determination or selection, a clear fraction of the agreed new three-fixing including PDI Struggle, "he said. (ADO / Ant)


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