38 Sekolah RSBI di DIY dipertahankan

HARIAN JOGJA: Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (Kemendiknas) tidak menghapus sekolah berstatus Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) di DIY, pascaevaluasi. Guna memperbaiki kualitas RSBI, Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disdikpora) Pemerintah Provinsi DIY juga tidak akan menambah jumlah sekolah tersebut.

Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disdikpora) Provinsi DIY, Baskara Aji menjelaskan, sebanyak 38 sekolah berstatus RSBI di DIY lolos evaluasi oleh Kemendiknas. Seluruh sekolah dianggap memenuhi syarat RSBI.

Selain itu, sekolah RSBI di DIY dianggap menerapkan biaya pendidikan yang lebih murah ketimbang sekolah RSBI di luar DIY. Sebagai perbandingan, biaya iuran sekolah RSBI di DIY per bulan rata-rata sebesar Rp225.000. Adapun, biaya iuran per bulan untuk RSBI di luar DIY bisa mencapai Rp750.000 hingga Rp1 juta. Biaya iuran selama ini ditentukan dari hasil musyawarah di tingkat komite sekolah.

“Kami menengarai biaya pendidikan sekolah RSBI di DIY yang lebih murah menjadi salah satu pertimbangan Kemendiknas dalam proses evaluasi sehingga status RSBI tidak dihapus,” ujarnya di Kantor Disdikpora, Selasa (22/3).(Harian Jogja/Shinta Maharani)

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38 Schools RSBI in DIY Maintained

YOGYAKARTA: The Ministry of National Education (Events Calendar) does not remove the school standard international school status (RSBI) in DIY, pascaevaluasi. In order to improve the quality of RSBI, Office of Education Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) DIY Provincial Government will also not increase the number of schools.

Head of Education Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) DIY Province, Baskara Aji explained, there were 38 schools in DIY RSBI status passed evaluation by the Events Calendar. All schools are considered eligible RSBI.

In addition, the school RSBI in DIY is considered to apply the cost of education is cheaper than outside DIY RSBI school. For comparison, the cost of school fees in DIY RSBI per month on averageof Rp225.000 . Meanwhile, the cost of tuition per month for outside DIY RSBI Rp750.000 can reach up to Rp 1 million. Fee is determined from the results of discussions at committee level school.

"We suggest RSBI school tuition fees in DIY is cheaper to be one consideration in the evaluation process so that the Events Calendar RSBI status is not cleared," he said in Disdikpora Office on Tuesday (22 / 3).


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