Leptospirosis Tewaskan Tiga Warga DIY

YOGYAKARTA--MICOM: Sejak Januari hingga Maret, tujuh warga Kota Yogyakarta positif terkena leptospirosis dan tiga diantaranya meninggal dunia.

"Yang meninggal ini berasal dari Kecamatan Umbulharjo, Kecamatan Mergangsan dan Kecamatan Kotagede," kata Kabid Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta Vita Yulia, Kamis (17/3).

Menurut dia, penyakit leptospirosis ini ditularkan melalui air kencing tikus. "Salah satu yang meninggal, terkena setelah membersihkan kolam, yang satu adalah peternak itik dan satu lagi petani di sawah di Kota Yogyakarta," ujarnya.

Menurut dia, pada 2010 lalu, hanya terjadi tiga kasus dan tidak ada yang meninggal dunia. Dengan adanya korban meninggal imbuhnya, pihaknya akan melakukan koordinasi dengan instansi lainnya termasuk Dinas Pertanian untuk penyuhan kepada masyarakat serta upaya membasmi tikus. "Para dokter di Puskesmas juga kita beri pengetahuan terkini mengenai penyakit itu, agar lebih memahami leptospirosis," katanya.

Ia menyebutkan di Puskesmas di Kota Yogyakarta, sediaan reagen sebagai obat leptospirosis kini sudah ditambah sehingga dijamin akan mencukupi. Kepada masyarakat ia berpesan agar jika berada di tempat yang kotor, sebaiknya mengenakan pelindung diri seperti sepatu boot sehingga mengurangi risiko terkena leptospirosis. (AU/OL-04)

Leptospirosis DIY Kills Three People

YOGYAKARTA - MICOM: From January to March, seven people tested positive for leptospirosis Yogyakarta City and three fatalities.

"The die is derived from Umbulharjo District, District and Sub Mergangsan Kotagede," said Head of Community Health Services Health Office Yogyakarta Vita Yulia, Thursday (17 / 3).

According to him, the disease leptospirosis is transmitted through rat urine. "One who died, was hit after cleaning the pool, which one is the duck and the other farmers in the rice fields in the city of Yogyakarta," he said.

According to him, in 2010, only three cases and none died. With the death toll he added, it will coordinate with other agencies including the Department of Agriculture to penyuhan to the community and efforts to eradicate the rats. "The doctors at community health centers we also give the latest knowledge about the disease, to better understand the leptospirosis," she said.

He mentioned at the health center in the city of Yogyakarta, reagent as a drug dosage leptospirosis has now been added so guaranteed to be sufficient. To the people he gave the message that if you are in a dirty place, you should wear personal protection such as boots, thereby reducing the risk of leptospirosis.


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