Maling Monitor Warnet Ditangkap

SLEMAN: Pencurian di warnet kembali terulang. Berkedok hendak mengakses internet, Handriyansyah Putra, 26, bersama seorang rekannya ternyata mencuri monitor di warnet BellaNet, Gejayan, 19 Maret lalu.

Ia sendiri baru kemarin, (25/3), berhasil ditangkap anggota Polres Sleman di rumahnya di Perum Pertamina, Blok 1, No 7, RT 13/4, setelah polisi melakukan penyelidikan selama beberapa hari. Rekan pelaku hingga kini masih dalam pengejaran. Polisi melakukan pengejaran berdasarkan laporan dari pemilik warnet, Ie Sioe Tjai alias Herman.

Kasat Reskrim Polres Sleman, AKP Danang Kuntadi didampingi Kanit Pidum, Iptu Zaky Maghfur menjelaskan, modus yang digunakan pelaku adalah dengan berpura-pura menjadi pengguna warnet. Berdua dengan rekannya ia masuk ke salah satu bilik. Tak berapa lama ia keluar dan masuk ke salah satu bilik yang lain, dan mengambil monitor LCD merek SonicView yang ditaksir berharga Rp6 juta. Pelaku menyambunyikan monitor tersebut ke dalam tasnya, lalu kabur sebelum akhirnya berhasil ditangkap beberapa hari kemudian.

"Bisa dikenakan pasal 363, ancamannya 7 tahun penjara," ujar AKP Danang Kuntadi.(Harian Jogja/MG Noviarizal Fernandez)

Internet Cafe Thief  Arrested
SLEMAN: Theft in the Internet cafe again repeated. Guise want to access the internet, Handriyansyah Putra, 26, along with a colleague was stealing the monitors in the cafe BellaNet, Gejayan, 19 March.

He himself only yesterday, (25 / 3), was later arrested by members of the Sleman district police at his home in Perum PERTAMINA, Block 1, No. 7, RT 13 / 4, after police conducted an investigation for several days. Fellow actor is still in pursuit. Police pursuit based on reports from cafe owners, Ie Sioe Tjai aka Herman.

Criminal Police, Adj Sleman, AKP Danang Kuntadi accompanied Kanit Pidum, Iptu Maghfur Zaky explained, the mode used by the perpetrators is to pretend to be users of the cafe. Together with colleagues he went into one booth. Before long he came out and went into one of the other chamber, and took the LCD monitor are estimated at valuable brand SonicView Rp6 million. Actors menyambunyikan monitor into her purse, then fled before finally arrested a few days later.

"It could apply article 363, the threat is 7 years in prison," said Dana Kuntadi AKP. (Daily Jogja / MG Noviarizal Fernandez)


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