Demo Bentuk BEM, Mahasiswa UTY Dihajar Satpam

JOGJA: Unjuk rasa puluhan mahasiswa Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta (UTY) menuntut legalitas pembentukan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) hari ini, (31/5), di depan kampus UTY, ricuh. Beberapa mahasiswa bahkan sempat dihajar oleh puluhan satuan pengamanan kampus.

Berdasarkan pengamatan Harian Jogja, puluhan mahasiswa UTY yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Pejuang Demokratisasi UTY (APDU) bersama dengan sejumlah mahasiswa Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran, Universias Atma Jaya serta Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), berjalan dari arah selatan Jalan Glagah Sari dan berhenti di depan gerbang kampus UTY.

Ketika peserta aksi hendak berorasi dan masuk kampus, mereka dihadang puluhan satuan pengamanan UTY. Tanpa negoisasi terlebih dahulu, satpam UTY mendorong para demonstran. Beberapa saat kemudian, satpam mulai menghajar mahasiswa dan terjadi kericuhan di tengah Jalan Glagah Sari.

"Tanpa persuasi terlebih dahulu langsung represi," kata staf Hubungan Masyarakat APDU, Arief Hasibuan, di Polsek Umbulharjo, Selasa (31/5). Petugas Polsek Umbulharjo yang saat itu berada di lokasi kejadian untuk mengamankan acara pentas musik di kampus UTY, langsung membawa para demonstran ke markas Polsek Umbulharjo untuk menghindari satpam yang beringas.

Staf Bidang Administasi dan Umum UTY Indra Purnama mengatakan tidak ada instruksi pemukulan. "Karena kondisi di lapangan sama-sama terpancing," kata Indra di Polsek Umbulharjo.(Harian Jogja/Yodie Hardiyan)

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Demo Form BEM, UNY Student Beaten by Security Guard

YOGYAKARTA: University students protest dozens of Technology Yogyakarta (UTY) demanded the establishment of legality Student Executive Body (BEM) today, (31 / 5), in front of the campus UTY, chaos. Some students even got beaten by dozens of campus security units.

Based on observations Jogja Daily, dozens of students who are members of the Alliance UTY Fighters Democratization UTY (APDU) together with a number of students of the National Development University (UPN) Veteran, Universias Atma Jaya Yogyakarta and Muhammadiyah University (UMY), running from the south road and stopped Glagah Sari at the front gate of the campus UTY.

When participants want berorasi action and enter the campus, they were confronted by dozens of security forces UTY. Without prior negotiation, UTY security guard pushed the demonstrators. A few moments later, the guard began to beat up students and riots occurred halfway through the Glagah Sari.

"Without persuasion first direct repression," said Public Relations staff APDU, Arief Hasibuan, in Umbulharjo police on Tuesday (31 / 5). Umbulharjo police officer who was at the scene to secure the stage musical events on campus UTY, immediately took the protesters into police headquarters Umbulharjo to avoid a violent security guard.

Administration and Public Affairs Staff UTY Indra Purnama said there was no instruction beatings. "Due to conditions in the field are equally hooked," said Indra in police Umbulharjo.


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