Mahfud: Negara Dalam Bahaya!

BANTUL - Korupsi tak bisa disangkal lagi sudah merupakan permasalahan mendasar di Indonesia. Bangsa ini potensial kian terpuruk mengingat praktik korupsi masih marak dan sulit segera diberantas. Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Mahfud MD menegaskan penghambat utama pembatasan korupsi, penegakan hukum, dan proses pembangunan demokrasi di Indonesia adalah proses ”sandera-menyandera” antara koruptor dan para penegak hukum.

Proses sandera-menyandera tersebut membuat kasus korupsi tidak pernah diselesaikan hingga ujung."Negara dalam bahaya," paparnya di sela-sela pertemuan alumni Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) di Pyramid, Sewon, Bantul, Sabtu (28/5).

Mahfud menilai sandera menyandera itu jelas menghambat proses pemberantasan korupsi. Menurutnya, banyak kasus yang terjadi saat ini menggunakan ”mekanisme” tersebut.

Namun Mahfud enggan menyebutkannya secara detail. Dia hanya mendeskripsikan jika si A melakukan korupsi dengan nilai besar maka akan sulit diselesaikan secara hukum. Ini lantaran si A bisa menyandera si B, yang notabene adalah penegak hukum. Caranya, si A menyuap si B.

”Begitu seterusnya. Hal seperti ini buat masalah penegakan hokum, khususnya penyelesaikan kasus korupsi besar tidak bisa diselesaikan sampai ke akarnya. Selain itu, juga karena adanya telikungan secara politik," tegasnya. Proses sandera menyandera lainnya, tegas Mahfud, ketika ada seorang yang pernah korupsi berniat membongkar borok korupsi di negeri ini maka tiba-tiba dia harus berpikir dua kali untuk melakukannya. Sebab, koruptor yang dibongkar kejahatannya justru berbalik mengancam juga bakal membongkar kasus korupsi. "Tidak bisa selesai karena saling menyandera," papar alumni Fakultas Hukum UII Jogjakarta ini.

Di sisi lain, Mahfud melihat sering sekali terjadi pengalihan isu dalam penanganan kasus korupsi. Jika satu kasus korupsi sedang membesar tiba-tiba muncul isu lain yang segera mendepak terhadap perkembangan isu korupsi tersebut.

"Perhatian terhadap korupsi pun hilang karena disetir untuk memperhatikan kasus lain. Ini yang berbahaya!" ungkapnya.

Untuk menghentikan hal tersebut, Mahfud berpendapat pimpinan di Indonesia harus melakukan tindakan radikal. Yakni, memutuskan hubungan dengan masa lalu.

Setelah itu, membuat undang-undang yang baru tentang korupsi. ”Yang dulu biar saja berlalu.”

Dia mengambil contoh pemberantasan korupsi di Tiongkok. Dulu, praktik korupsi di Negeri Tirai Bambu itu menggurita. Pemerintah Tiongkok akhirnya berani mengambil kebijakan radikal. Kasus korupsi diputihkan dan dibuat undang-undang baru yang lebih tegas. "Kalau anda korupsi hari ini, anda akan dihukum mati besok," tegasnya. Ia melihat substansi hukum dan sistem hukum di Indonesia cukup berpihak pada pemberantasan korupsi. Namun, ungkapnya lagi, tidak begitu dengan penegak hukumnya.

Menurutnya, hanya pers dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang efektif sebagai penyangga demokrasi di Indonesia. "Legislatif, eksekutif, dan yudikatif sekarang tidak bisa diharapkan. Pers belum bisa disandera (dan) menyandera," tuturnya.

Karenanya, Mahfud berharap media sebagai salah satu pilar demokrasi bisa mengawal terbentuknya undang-undang (UU) tentang rekrutmen politik. Adanya UU ini diyakini bisa memberi ruang bagi orang-orang yang bersih untuk memegang posisi strategis dalam perkembangan demokrasi dan penegakan hukum. "Harus dikawal biar nggak ada lagi sandera-menyandera," tegasnya.

Indonesia harus serius dalam proses penegakan keadilan. JIka Indonesia masih saja tidak bergigi dalam menegakkan keadilan, Mahfud yakin negeri ini hanya tinggal menunggu kehancuran. "Fakta sejarah sudah membuktikan. Kalau tidak bisa adil, kita tinggal tunggu kehancuran saja," tandasnya. (c5)

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Mahfud: Country in Danger!

BANTUL - Corruption can not be denied again have a fundamental problem in Indonesia. The nation is getting worse considering the potential corruption is still rampant and difficult to be eradicated. Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD confirmed the main obstacles limiting corruption, law enforcement, and the process of democratic development in Indonesia is a process of "hostage-holding" between criminals and law enforcers.

The process of hostage-holding was a case of corruption is never finished until the end. "The state is in danger," he said on the sidelines of the meeting of alumni of the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) on the Pyramid, Sewon, Bantul, Saturday (28 / 5).

Mahfud judge hostage hostages were clearly hamper the process of combating corruption. According to him, many of these cases occur when using the "mechanism" is.

But Mahfud reluctant to mention it in detail. He just described if the A of corruption with great value it will be difficult to resolve by law. This is because the A can holding the B, which is actually a law enforcement. The trick, the A bribe the B.

"And so on. Things like this create a problem of enforcement, particularly the settlement of cases of corruption can not be resolved until the root. In addition, also due telikungan politically, "he said. The other hostage hostages, said Mahfud, when there is someone who never intended to unpack ulcers corruption corruption in this country then all of a sudden he has to think twice to do so. Because, corruptors dismantled it turned threatening crime is also going to unload cases of corruption. "It can not be completed because of mutual hostage," said alumni of the Faculty of Law UII Jogjakarta.

On the other hand, Mahfud see very often happens diversion issues in the handling of cases of corruption. If one case of corruption is being enlarged suddenly appeared another issue that immediately ejecting the development of the corruption issue.

"Concerns about corruption were lost due driven to pay attention to other cases. It is dangerous!" he said.

To stop this, Mahfud opinion leaders in Indonesia must make radical action. Namely, break with the past.

After that, create a new law on corruption. "What used to let it pass."

He took the example of the eradication of corruption in China. In the past, the practice of corruption in the land of the Bamboo Curtain menggurita. Chinese government finally willing to take radical policy. Cases of corruption bleached and made new laws more strictly. "If you corruption today, you will be put to death tomorrow," he said. He saw the substance of law and legal system in Indonesia is quite in favor of combating corruption. However, he said again, not so with law enforcement.

According to him, only the press and nongovernmental organizations are effective as a support of democracy in Indonesia. "Legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government now can not be expected. The press can not be held hostage (and) hostage," he said.

Therefore, Mahfud hope the media as one of the pillars of democracy could oversee the establishment of a law (Law) on political recruitment. The existence of this law is believed to provide a space for people who are clean to hold a strategic position in the development of democracy and the rule of law. "It must be escorted let nobody else hostage-holding," he said.

Indonesia must be serious in the process of justice. If Indonesia still have no teeth in enforcing justice, Mahfud sure this country are only waiting for destruction. "The fact history has shown. If you can not just, we just wait for it collapse," he said.


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