Pusat Masih Utang Rp7 M Ke Guru Bantul

BANTUL--Pemerintah pusat masih utang hingga Rp7 miliar kepada ribuan guru di Bantul yang belum mendapat tunjangan sertifikasi secara utuh. Pemkab Bantul memastikan, utang tersebut bakal dibayar pada 2012 mendatang.

Kepala Dinas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPKAD) Bantul Abu Dzarin Norhadi mengatakan, utang tersebut khusus tunjangan sertifikasi guru pada 2010. Pasalnya tahun lalu terjadi kenaikan gaji pegawai, sehingga tunjangan sertifikasi kepada ribuan guru otomatis naik, karena jumlah tunjangan sesuai gaji pokok.

Pemerintah pusat, kata Abu, tak mengantisipasi APBN dengan bertambahnya beban anggaran. Alhasil kala itu ada tiga opsi yang ditawarkan pemerintah pusat kepada daerah. Pada intinya membolehkan tunjangan sertifikasi tak diberikan penuh, sisanya bakal dibayar pemerintah pusat belakangan.

“Ada tiga opsi kala itu. Salah satunya tunjangan diberikan semua tapi hanya sampai bulan ke berapa. Tapi kami pilih opsi ke tiga yakni berdasarkan persentase. Semuanya tetap dapat tapi tidak penuh hanya sekitar 89 persen. Jadi dana yang ada dibagi semua,” terangnya.(Harian Jogja/Bhekti Suryani)

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Center Still Rp7 M Into Debt Teacher of Bantul

BANTUL - The central government debt is still up to Rp 7 billion to thousands of teachers in Bantul who have not received the full benefits of certification. Pemkab Bantul sure, the debt will be paid in 2012.

Head of Finance and Asset Management Areas (DPKAD) Bantul Abu Dzarin Norhadi said, debt is a special allowance teacher certification in 2010. Because years ago there was an increase salaries, so the benefits of certification to thousands of teachers automatically rise, because the number of allowances according to the basic salary.

The central government, said Abu, did not anticipate the increasing burden the state budget with the budget. As a result at that time there were three options offered by the central government to the regions. In essence allow certification was awarded full benefits, the remainder would be paid later the central government.

"There are three options at that time. One of them given all the benefits but only up to a month to how much. But we chose the third option that is based on a percentage. Everything still can, but not full of only about 89 percent. So the fund is divided by all, "he explained.


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