Sapi Lokal Kembali Bergairah

GUNUNG KIDUL, — Harga sapi potong di Pasar Hewan Siyono, Kecamatan Playen, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta, beranjak naik sejak sepekan lalu, terutama untuk sapi-sapi varietas unggul seperti metal dan brahman.

Harga sapi varietas indukan lokal pada sepekan lalu masih dalam kisaran Rp 4 juta hingga Rp 5 juta per ekor, kini sudah naik menjadi Rp 4,5 juta hingga Rp 5,5 juta per ekor.

"Khusus untuk sapi potong, tingkat kenaikannya cukup tinggi. Harga pekan lalu untuk verietas metal Rp 7 juta, kini naik menjadi Rp 8 juta," kata Hardjo Suwito (56), pedagang sapi di Pasar Siyono, Jum'at (17/6/2011).

Namun, para peternak masih berharap cemas jika harga akan kembali berubah. "Mudah-mudahan kondisi seperti ini bisa bertahan, mengingat sudah cukup lama peternak dihadapkan keterpurukan harga ternak," katanya.

Kepala Sub Bagian Perencanaan, Dinas Peternakan Gunung Kidul, Suyanto mengatakan, dampak ancaman penghentian ekspor dari Australia justru cukup positif bagi peternak sapi lokal.

"Kita berharap, mudah-mudahan stabilitas harga ternak, khususnya sapi, bisa terjaga hingga peternak tidak lagi dipermainkan harga pasar," katanya.

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Local Cow Back Pumped

Gunung Kidul, - Prices of beef cattle at the Animal Market Siyono, District Playen, Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta, rising since last week, especially for cows yielding varieties such as metal and brahman.

Price cattle varieties of local broodstock in a week ago is still within the range of $ 4 million to $ 5 million per head, has now increased to USD 4.5 million to $ 5.5 million per head.

"Especially for beef cattle, the rate of increase is quite high. Verietas price last week for metal Rp 7 million, is now up to $ 8 million," said Hardjo Suwito (56), cattle traders in the market Siyono on Wednesday (06/17/2011) .

However, farmers are still hoping worried if prices will come back changed. "Hopefully, this condition can last, given long enough the price of cattle ranchers faced with adversity," he said.

Head Sub Division of Planning, Department of Animal Husbandry Gunung Kidul, Suyanto said, the impact of the threat of cessation of exports from Australia actually quite positive for the local cattle ranchers.

"We look forward, hopefully the stability of prices of livestock, especially cattle, breeders can no longer stay awake until I toyed with the market price," he said.


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