20 Bus Trans Jogja Akan Dilelang

JOGJA—Pemprov DIY berencana melelang 20 unit bus Trans Jogja hibah dari pusat ke provinsi. Bus-bus tersebut saat ini belum dioperasikan secara resmi karena menunggu Keppres hibah dari presiden.

Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informasi DIY, Tjipto Haribowo, Kamis (15/9) mengatakan, rencana lelang dilakukan karena DPRD DIY tak menyetujui ada nota kesepahaman (MoU) antara Pemprov dengan pihak ke tiga yakni PT. JTT untuk mengelola bus tersebut karena belum mengantongi Keppres hibah, seperti MoU yang dilakukan terhadap 54 bus yang ada saat ini sehingga plat kuning dapat keluar. Bila ternyata setelah Keppres hibah turun, MOU tetap tidak disetujui dewan, Tjipto mengaku pihaknya bakal melelang bus tersebut.

Lelang rencananya dilakukan tahun depan setelah kelengkapan surat menyurat selesai. “Kalau memang tidak di-MoU-kan kami akan lelang untuk jalur empat. Selama ini yang disetujui MoU hanya 54 untuk jalur satu, dua dan tiga. Mungkin 2012 baru bisa dilelang,” terangnya.

Dishub juga menargetkan, Keppres hibah dari pusat keluar dalam waktu satu bulan. Menurut dia, saat ini persetujuan Presiden soal hibah sudah ada di tangan Kementerian Keuangan. “Saat ini sudah di Kemenetrian Keuangan mungkin butuh waktu satu minggu baru sampai ke Perhubungan, sekitar satu bulan lagi baru keluar,” ujarnya.

Terkait penitipan 20 bus ke PT. JTT untuk dioperasikan meski belum dilengkapi Keprres hibah, Tjipto berdalih semuanya untuk kepentingan publik. Menurutnya, selama ini banyak keluhan dari masyarakt mengenai minimnya armada bus Trans Jogja. Selain itu, kata dia, bila terjadi kerusakan membuat penumpang lama menunggu kedatangan bus. Lantaran itu pula, lembaganya sepakat menitipkan 20 unit bus Trans Jogja itu ke JTT menggantikan bus yang ada saat ini bila mengalami kerusakan atau gangguan lainnya. Apalagi selama ini 20 unit bus tersebut dianggap publik mangkrak dan rusak karena belum beroperasi. Menurut dia, pengoperasian bus yang tak dilengkapi surat menyurat tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengetes kondisi bus baru.

Terpisah, Anggota Pansus DPRD DIY yang menangani PT. JTT Arif Rahman Hakim mengatakan, mekanisme lelang yang ingin ditempuh provinsi merupakan pilihan tepat. Dengan begitu menurutnya ada persaingan usaha yang sehat sehingga tak hanya dimonopoli PT. JTT. (Harian Jogja/Bhekti Suryani)

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Trans Jogja Bus 20 To Be Auctioned

YOGYAKARTA, Yogyakarta provincial government plans to auction off 20 units of Trans Jogja bus grant from the center to the provinces. The buses are not currently operated officially since waiting for a grant from the presidential decree.

Head of Transport Department of Communication and Information DIY, Tjipto Haribowo, Thursday (15 / 9) said that the plan due to auction do not approve the DPRD DIY existing memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the provincial government with a third party, PT. JTT to manage the bus because they have not pocketed the decree grants, such as the MoU is made to the 54 buses that exist today that can come out yellow plate. If it turns out after the decree grants fall, the council approved the MOU remains, Tjipto admitted his side will be auctioning off the bus.

Auction planned for next year after the completeness of complete correspondence. "If it was not in the MoU, we will auction for four lines. During this MoU approved only 54 to lane one, two and three. 2012 might just be auctioned off, "he explained.

Transportation Agency also targets, the decree grants from the center out in a month. According to him, this time about the grant approval of the President is already in the hands of the Ministry of Finance. "We have been in Kemenetrian Finance may take up to a new week of Transportation, about a month coming out again," he said.

Care related to 20 buses to the PT. JTT to operate, although not yet fitted Keprres grants, Tjipto quibble all in the public interest. According to him, during this time many of the complaints about lack of bus fleet masyarakt Trans Jogja. In addition, he said, when damage occurs to make a long wait for bus passengers. Because of that, the agency agreed to leave 20 units of Trans Jogja bus to the JTT replaces the existing bus when experiencing damage or other interference. Moreover, during these 20 units is considered a public bus and damaged mangkrak because not yet in operation. According to him, the operation of the bus was not equipped with such correspondence is intended to test the condition of the new bus.

Separately, members of the committee that handles the DPRD DIY PT. JTT Arif Rahman Hakim said the auction mechanism you want to go the province is the right choice. With so thinks there is healthy competition so that not only monopolized by PT. JTT.


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