Musim Hujan, Yogya Antisipasi Lahar Dingin

Ada 13 ribu jiwa di 8 kecamatan di Yogyakarta yang terancam banjir lahar dingin Merapi.

VIVAnews - Pada akhir Oktober ini musim penghujan telah berlangsung di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Musim penghujan dimulai dari Kabupaten Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul.

Ancaman bahaya banjir lahar dingin pun kembali menghantui masyarakat Kota Yogyakarta yang tinggal di pinggiran bantaran sungai Code. Karena sungai yang membelah kota Yogyakarta tersebut berhulu di lereng Merapi.

Untuk menghadapi bahaya banjir lahar dingin akibat hujan deeras di lereng Merapi, Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta akan memasang dua alat early warning system (EWS) di sepanjang Kali Code sebanyak 5 unit.

“Tahun lalu kami memasang EWS sebanyak 3 unit. Untuk tahun ini kami tambah lagi 2 EWS sehingga total yang terpasang di sepanjang sungai Code mencapai 5 unit,” kata Kepala Kantor Perlindungan Masyarakat yang juga Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPDB) Kota Yogyakarta Sudarsono, Senin 24 Oktober 2011.

Menurut dia, dengan pemasangan EWS, banjir lahar dingin Merapi tidak mengakibatkan banyak kerugian di Kota Yogyakarta. EWS itu beroperasi dengan sirine yang dihubungkan dengan alat komunikasi oleh petugas pemantau di daerah hulu sungai Code. ”Masyarakat sudah dapat mengantisipasi secara dini kedatangan banjir lahar dingin tersebut sehingga kerugian dapat ditekan,” ujarnya.

Selain alat EWS, kata Sudarsono, pihaknya juga sudah mendata titik-titik pengungsian sementara yang dijadikan tempat mengungsi warga bantaran kali Code jika banjir lahar tiba.

”Sedikitnya ada 13 ribu jiwa di 8 kecamatan di Yogyakarta yang terancam banjir lahar dingin Merapi. Mereka hidup di bantaran Kali Code Yogyakarta. Kami siapkan lokasi untuk evakuasi warga,” ujarnya.

Kepala BPPTK Yogyakarta, Subandriyo, mengatakan bahwa material vulkanik hasil erupsi Merapi tahun 2010 yang masih berada di lereng Merapi khususnya pada sungai-sungai yang berhulu di Merapi masih mencapai 100 juta meter kubik. Jumlah itu baru sekitar 30 persen material vulkanik hasil erupsi 2010 yang turun bersama hujan awal tahun lalu.

”Dengan material yang masih menumpuk di lereng Merapi ketika musim hujan berlangsung dapat mengalir ke bawah menjadi banjir lahar dingin,” ujarnya.

Erupsi Merapi tahun 2010 lalu diprediksikan telah memuntahkan material vulkanik berupa pasir, batu dan debu sebanyak 150 juta meter kubik. Material tersebut menutupi seluruh hulu kali di kaki Merapi. Material vulkanik tersebut bisa terbawa air hujan jika hujan turun dalam kapasitas diatas 40 kilometer per jam dalam waktu satu hingga dua jam berturut-turut.

”Sangat besar kemungkinan terjadinya banjir lahar dingin sehingga harus diwaspadai dan diantisipasi sedini mungkin oleh instansi pemerintah terkait dan masyarakat di bantaran sungai yang berhulu di Merapi,” ujarnya.

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Rainy Season, Yogya Anticipation Cold Lava

There are 13 thousand people in 8 districts in Yogyakarta, which threatened Merapi cold lava flood.

Viva News - At the end of October is the rainy season has been going on in the region of Yogyakarta Special Region. The rainy season starts from Sleman, Yogyakarta and Bantul regency.

The threat of cold lava flood hazards no matter back to haunt the people of Yogyakarta who live along the river on the outskirts of the Code. Because the river that divides the city of Yogyakarta is tipped on the slopes of Merapi.

To face the cold lava flood hazard due to rain deeras in the slopes of Merapi, Yogyakarta Municipality will install two devices early warning system (EWS) along the Kali Code 5 units.

"Last year we installed the EWS as much as 3 units. For this year we added another 2 EWS so that the total installed along the Code river reaches 5 units, "said Head of Public Protection Office who is also Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB) Sudarsono Yogyakarta City, Monday, October 24, 2011.

According to him, with the installation of EWS, cold lava flood Merapi not result in more harm in the city of Yogyakarta. EWS operates with a siren was associated with a communication tool by the monitors at the headwaters of the river Code. "People can already anticipate the early arrival of cold lava flood so the loss can be suppressed," he said.

In addition to tools EWS, said Sudarsono, it also had to record a temporary evacuation points are used as a place to evacuate residents if the banks of the time code lava flood arrives.

"At least there are 13 thousand people in 8 districts in Yogyakarta, which threatened Merapi cold lava flood. They live on the banks of the Code of Yogyakarta. We prepare the location for the evacuation of citizens, "he said.

Head BPPTK Yogyakarta, Subandriyo, said Merapi eruption of volcanic material results in 2010 are still on the slopes of Merapi, particularly in the rivers that disgorge at Merapi still reached 100 million cubic meters. The amount was only about 30 percent of the 2010 eruption of volcanic material that falls with rain early last year.

"With materials that are still piled up on the slopes of Merapi, when the rainy season lasts can flow down into the cold lava flood," he said.

Merapi last eruption in 2010 spewed volcanic material has been predicted in the form of sand, rocks and dust as much as 150 million cubic meters. These materials cover the entire upstream times at the foot of Merapi. Volcanic material can be carried by rain water if rain falls in a capacity above 40 kilometers per hour in one to two hours in a row.

"It is most likely the occurrence of cold lava flood, so be wary and anticipated as early as possible by relevant government agencies and communities on the banks of rivers that disgorge at Merapi," he said.


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